Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Do Whites Have Civil Rights?

By Nicholas Stix

That’s the title of an excellent column by Steve Sailer.

(Comment at Steve’s Unz Review blog. Taki Theodoracoupulos has not only eliminated commenting at his Web site, but has ungraciously refused to link to Unz. What a bunch of sweethearts these guys are!) All that would be required, for Whites’ civil rights to be respected, would be for the courts to respect the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and the 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Act.

That the courts have, for over 50 years, refused to do that, is because they, like America’s ruling class, of which they are an integral part, are waging a genocidal war on America’s White working and middle class. And once White racial socialists and plutocrats have helped black and hispanic supremacists wipe out most Whites, the groups the rulers helped will turn on them.

However, there is one legal weapon Steve missed. That is the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886).

In Yick Wo, the high court ruled that laws that are drafted in neutral language but enforced in a discriminatory manner against a particular group, are in violation of the 14th Amendment’s equal protection of the laws clause.

The law in question was a California statute governing the operation of laundries which, while written in race-neutral fashion, was being exclusively used to put Chinese laundries out of business.

As per Yick Wo, all “hate crime” and “civil rights” laws are in violation of the 14th Amendment, thus unconstitutional, and thereby null and void.


  1. Revolutions always devour their own. Look at the French Revolution or communist Russia--those who made it happen ended up plowed under. A lot of Jews were communists but eventually the communists turned on them. One American communist Jew made trips to Russia. On his latest trip he discovered that most of his Russian Jewish Communist friends had been liquidated. So when the FBI contacted him, he welcomed them with, "What took you so long" and started helping them. Of course those were the days when the FBI was on our side before they became a tool of the leftists state.

  2. NO! Whitey under federal law does not have civil rights. They might have civil rights under the law of their own state. But nothing more than that.

  3. Less and less as time goes by.But that's strictly because we haven't acted like we give a damn.A few massive protests would open people's eyes in commie government-land.There might be violent pushback,but we'd get their attention.I believe action of that magnitude is needed by Whites or our rights will continue to slowly seep away.

