Sunday, April 25, 2021

While Police Hunt for Raceless, Faceless Attacker Who Kicked Asian Man in Head in New York, Almost Killing Him, the media Aid and Abet the Racist Attacker, by Refusing to Publish Description of Him, and by Tampering with Photograph of Him, in Order to Make Him Unrecognizable

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Apr 25, 2021 4:40 p.m.

Police Hunt for Attacker Who Kicked Asian Man in Head in New York

N.S.: He can't be White. If he were, the headlines would be screaming it. He's likely black, although East Harlem is traditionally hispanic ("Spanish Harlem).

ATR: Why is this old guy collecting aluminum cans?

Is he here because he was "sponsored" by one of his American (sic) offspring to immigrate here?

1 comment:

  1. What is it about the colored and kicks to the head? Vicious, homicidal, out-of-control creatures. Have left the human race behind a long time ago.
