Sunday, April 25, 2021

negroes, mex, and Loud Music...Cultural Expression, or Statement of Racial Conquest to Whitey?

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:56:00 A.M. EDT

Visiting my parents on the first nice day of the year last week, I jumped on a bike and decided to visit the local park, something I have not done for many years, at least not since my kids have been grown.

It was a new park, recently built, and I wanted to see what it was like. When I arrived, the first thing I noticed was that there were few Whites there, it was mostly negroes/mex, and that the negroes had taken over the central covered area and placed a giant sound system, from which they were blasting rap music for the entire park to hear.

I quickly left, and decided to check out the other local parks. The next two I visited were also mostly negro, and they had parked their cars next to the park, from which they were also blasting loud rap music. I moved on to Nadaka Nature Park, a heavily wooded former Boy Scout Camp the city converted to a park, and there a large group of mex had taken over the family area and set up a volleyball net and barbeque, which would not have been bad, except they also were blasting loud Mariachi music that permeated the entire park, even the wooded area.

I then stopped at a local grade school that had a play area and small, semi-public park area, and there were a group of black men playing basketball. They also were blasting loud rap music, for all to hear. Finally, I moved on to a park that was a former baseball field that is usually not crowded, because it doesn’t have a play area for kids.

From a distance, I saw very few people, so I felt it was finally a place to have some peace and quiet, but as I approached I heard the loud Mariachi music emanating from the yard of a house adjacent to the park.

I couldn’t find one park local to my parents’ home that didn’t have negroes or Mex playing their “music” at blasting levels.

While there has been a large influx of non-Whites in the area, Whites are still the majority but parks are majority non-White. One factor, I believe, is that Whites don’t have nearly as many kids to even take to the parks, but I also believe that Whites are simply not going to the parks because there are so many negroes. I used to take my kids to the parks around there but would not do it nowadays. I wouldn’t want them to hear rap music with lyrics using words like “nigger,” “pimps,” “ho’s,” etc., and extolling the wonders of drugs, prostitution, and hating whitey.

To be continued....


1 comment:

  1. Remember the Spike Lee movie "Do the Right Thing"? When the black thug tried to blast the pizza place with a ghetto blaster, the owner in frustration smashed it. In retaliation the blacks burned the restaurant. Of course being made by a black racist, the movie ended with the White owner acting apologetic as if he were the one at fault.
    Fortunately, blacks and Mexicans haven't shown much interest in National Parks and Monuments. After a stay at a nice, safe, and peaceful National Monument campground, the man in charge lamented that there were so few minorities. I thought, yeah, fill it with blacks and it would be a dangerous and unpleasant place decent White people would avoid. Idiots will think this is racism but it is not. Clarence Thomas likes traveling in his RV and I would love to have him as a neighbor (but would respect his desire to be left alone). No, just as in schools, it isn't that Whites hate black skin--it is the reality that so many blacks are criminals.
