Friday, February 26, 2021

Iowa State Sorority Member Found Dead from Excessive Drinking, Hypothermia

By R.C.
Fri, Feb 26, 2021 9:17 p.m.

Iowa State Sorority Member Found Dead from Excessive Drinking, Hypothermia

R.C.: The indigenous from south of the border cannot handle booze.

Just ask Elizabeth Warren.


  1. Darwin would note,"If you aren't intelligent enough to survive college life,then you probably wouldn't have contributed much to the world anyways."


  2. Iowa State U is in Ames,Iowa--a city of 55,000--big enough,but probably with a rural aspect to it yet.

    The city paper is the Ames Tribune.

    I'm guessing,but other less gloomy stories probably take precedence over an Indian drinking herself to death,in these smaller city rags.They may or may not be embellished--or even true.

    For instance:
    The Yokel family had collected $2,000,000 dollars and were now at a press conference telling how they so adroitly chose the 5 correct numbers of the weekly Iowa Lottery game,Powerball.
    "Our best rooster Harvey did it,"Vern Yokel,the father,revealed to a throng of 3 reporters,"by scratching up the dirt behind our farmhouse."

    Reporters looked puzzled--Vern got irritated.

    "Doncha see,"Vern said,holding up a picture of the dirt,"the dirt clearly says,2,21,24,29 and 39--with an extra number of 3--the Powerball number.Look what old Harv scratched out.So we got our Polaroid camera,took a photo and that's what we played."

    "But the powerball number was NOT 3--it was 12," countered the Des Moines Register rep, Donald McNeil--which,if that number had been correct,would have brought in an extra 300 million dollars to the Yokels.

    "Yup," said Vern,"that's why we ate Harvey the next night for supper--he let us down."

    Other headlines above the drinking story:
    "Cow Pulled Over For Driving While Intoxicated."

    "National Weather Service says 'Winter is Cold'-Predicts Warm-up Soon."

    "Airplane Spotted by Retired Iowan."
    "I see a couple of them every day,"said the unnamed retiree.

    "Nearby Maxwell,Iowa Lists Favorite Current Actor and Actress as
    Buddy Ebsen and Irene Ryan."


