Saturday, November 21, 2020

Texas National Guard Troops Deployed to El Paso to Help with Morgue (and Border?) Crisis

By A Texas Reader

Sat, Nov 21, 2020 4:38 p.m.

Texas National Guard Troops Deployed to El Paso to Help with Morgue (and Border?) Crisis

ATR: Did COVID kill them?

Or did their genetic make-up kill them?



And morbid obesity.


1 comment:

  1. What the CDC in my area(and I assume everywhere),is failing to provide details of,is where Covid cases are being detected.You hear,for example,in Kent County--where I live--that 50 cases were counted and 10 deaths verified:Where did these transmissions occur?Mostly hospitals,nursing homes--where exactly?A particular restaurant or gym?

    I went to the library yesterday(on the last day they were staying open)and I mentioned the fact that,"you wouldn't think a lot of people would catch coronavirus in a library.Everyone's wearing a mask,keeping their distance,not many people inside at a time--why close it down?"

    The librarian said,"one of the other libraries had a couple cases,so they decided to shut down all 8 branches"--which is insane,considering the number of people they serve overall.

    You only hear "unofficial reports" by employees at various stores,by asking them if anyone has caught the virus at that particular location.They'll tell you more often than not("yes,one person was diagnosed with Covid here and sent to the hospital.")

    Anyways,the lack of information about ACTUAL cases of Covid and where people are catching it,is sorely lacking--and would be a great help to citizens--but that info doesn't appear to be available to the public.
