Sunday, November 22, 2020

"Get Out! - Go Get a Warrant!" - Business Owners in Buffalo, New York Stand Up to Cuomo's Covid Orders, Kick Out Sheriff and "Health Inspector" (VIDEO)

By A Colleague
Sun, Nov 22, 2020 2:29 a.m.

"Get Out! - Go Get a Warrant!" - Business Owners in Buffalo, New York Stand Up to Cuomo's Covid Orders, Kick Out Sheriff and "Health Inspector" (VIDEO)

About four days ago I saw a headline that Trump’s Covid advisor, Scott Atlas, said Americans are going to have to resist Marxist Democrat despots with their unconstitutional lockdown decrees. The above article is glorious affirmation of guts!



  1. The difference is going to be,who's in the White House when an attempt to "stand up" to anyone is made.Biden/Harris may opt for arrest and jailing as a countermeasure to what the 50 owners said to the Sheriff and "health inspector".
    After Jan 20th,the assumed right of privacy may disappear--with Biden/Harris giving the Covid Police much more authority post-inauguration.

    (ZH)The Trump Campaign issued a Sunday evening statement to clarify that attorney Sidney Powell, who has promised to unleash a 'biblical' election lawsuit in Georgia, is not part of the campaign's legal team.

    Trump Campaign general counsel Jenna Ellis tweeted a joint statement with Rudy Giuliani which reads: "Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity."

    The announcement comes on the heels of a Saturday interview Powell gave to Newsmax, during which she said an upcoming election lawsuit in Georgia "will be biblical."

    "Georgia's probably going to be the first state I'm gonna blow up," she told the conservative news network, adding "We've got tons of evidence. It's so much, it's hard to pull it all together."

    "Hopefully, this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical."

    Powell then claimed that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger were being paid as part of a conspiracy with Dominion Voting Systems.

    "And Mr. Kemp and the secretary of state need to go with it because they're in on the Dominion scam with their last-minute purchase or reward of a contract to Dominion of $100 million," Powell alleged, while encouraging Georgia law enforcement officials to investigate.
    GRA:Bought off,threatened or whatever else you can think of.

    (ZH)Update (1955ET): Sidney Powell has responded to the Trump Campaign's Sunday night announcement that she was not part of their legal team, telling CBS News "I understand today's press release. I will continue to represent #WeThePeople who had their votes for Trump and other Republicans stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smarmatic, and we will be filing suit soon.

    Powell continues, "The chips will fall where they may, and we will defend the foundations of this great Republic," and ends with the hashtag #KrakenOnSteroids.
    GRA:Or she's a publicity hound.I clicked her Twitter page last week and was redirected to a site where you could order her books.Trump may have seen the scam--finally.Too bad(I say those two words a lot lately).

  4. We may not understand what has been taken from us until we realize it's long gone and we're not getting them back. I mean eradication of our constitutional rights. They're testing us to see how effective our push back is to prepare to do more battle to take our rights away. Has anyone else noticed that Cuomo is being photographed with a huge round seal behind him so it looks like a halo? hilarious but deadly.

  5. Hope they don't go back with a warrant and fine them. Doesn't seem like a very populated area.
