Monday, October 26, 2020

Police Ramp Up Patrols after "Man" with Rifle Allegedly Said He was "Going to Kill Black People"

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 12:04 p.m.

"Police Ramp Up Patrols after Man with Rifle Allegedly Said He was 'Going to Kill Black People'"

ATR: If he is white, he is evil.

If he is black, it’s an everyday occurrence.

N.S. Update, 5:03 p.m.: Sounds like a hoax, and the man in question apparently isn't black, since Newsweek's thing always said a "man." If he were White, the headline would have screamed that. Seeing as all of this hoopla is based on a tweet, I'm still skeptical that the "man" even exists.


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