Monday, October 26, 2020

Angelo Codevilla: Don't be a Good German: The Police and Us

By An Old Friend
Mon, Oct 26, 2020 2:22 a.m.

Angelo Codevilla: The Police and Us

Closing paragraph:

And, by the way, when the police—a fortiori the FBI—come to talk, you don't know or remember anything—except that they answer to your enemies. Don't be a good German.

N.S.: Well, this is one case where I beat Angelo Codevilla by several years.
Then again, I'd better beat him out on my own beat!

P.S.: Having just read this, I think it's the most powerful essay I've ever read from Codevilla. 


  1. The ideologies and ethnicities may differ,but the methods are all from the same textbook.Rights removed,opposition groups killed.The good news(sarcasm)is,those purges only last a few years before the purveyors are themselves killed.

  2. Pension are the huge concern to the cops. UNTIL the insurrection goes wild and cops and their famblees are hunted for extermination by the colored and the anarchists. Then the cops WILL hug us and for good reason. But don't refuse them.
