Friday, July 31, 2020

"Wassup, Nigger?!" 26-Year-Old Woman Attacked for Capturing Video of Racist, Black Assault Suspect on Subway

By A Friend
Fri, Jul 31, 2020 3:55 p.m.

26-Year-Old Woman Attacked for Capturing Video of Racist, Black Assault Suspect on Subway

Watch the vicious video


  1. Wassup?Not the nigger's IQ.
    Rule #2:Avoid areas where blacks congregate.Your money,your job and your life may be lost from circumstances beyond your control.
    Rule #1 is:Never voluntarily hang out or associate with blacks.Work--you have to,but any off hours--DO NOT DO IT.Your life expectancy will decrease by a huge percentage,in every way conceivable--from drug overdose,assault,shootings or stabbings.
    The white guy,shot at a BLM rally last week,found a new way to die from associating with blacks.There are thousands.

  2. Every decent person left in NYC should watch - and listen - to this video carefully, many times: it is the worst such thing - among untold dozens of similar ones - seen in years.
    Realize first that the NY Daily News is a black crime apologist paper, and this stance affects every word you will read in the 'covering' article.
    The first egregious lie is the title: '26-year-old woman attacked for capturing video of assault suspect on subway', implying that her attack/beating was somehow 'her fault', that it was the 'cause' of the beating. This is a vicious, mindless lie.
    She - along with every white in that car - were targets of attack from the moment this pair entered the car.
    Although it is 'off-frame', in the first seconds, to the left, you can hear the unhinged male start screaming - over and over - 'what's up nigga?' As people seated at that end of the car (Asian) start migrating away - and past the viewfinder of her cell phone.
    She frames left and captures the perp's first on-screen interactions with passengers.
    He slams someone's phone to the floor, then turns across to the other side of the car, facing a (white/hispanic?) man in black/white tee, again screaming - within inches of his face - 'what's up nigga?'
    With ZERO warning - verbal or physical - he can be seen knifing the man's right hand.
    As the victim walks away - seemingly in shock - he holds up his bleeding right hand.
    The News article states: "That’s when a man got into an argument with a 20-year-old passenger further down the car. The man then punched that passenger, leaving him with a swollen left eye and cuts to his face".
    This is a lie - there was NO argument, the victim said/did nothing to possibly provoke any attack - he just sat there, while this animal leaned over and sliced his hand - deeply enough to cause blood to flow down his arm in seconds.
    As he moves past the group of 3-4 white, older people (likely tourists just coming in from LaGuardia, on their way into the city), he screams 'why so many of you nigga's (ie, 'whites') on this train? ie, he hated whites, this was his primary, violent motivation.
    The middle-age black bitch fills the frame of the woman ('26 yrs old sister') who was filming, and asks: 'why you filming - delete it, delete it'.
    Video ends, and it is at this point that she is beaten, likely by both blacks.
    Ignore any word of the bullshit in the Daily News article: from start to finish, from the moment the younger savage entered the train car, the aim was to terrorize, beat, rob (likely in that order) every white on the car. There is no disputing this - this is what you see transpire in this video.
    It could only be characterized as a 'hate crime': if they catch this human shit, they will not spend a night in jail - not with 'Bail Reform', not in DeBlasio's NY.
    July 27th was a Monday. Normally, in the middle of the day - the southbound No 7 would have been full of people, from one end to the other.
    Perhaps it was this empty because of COVID fear - as so much of the system seems running at only ~ 50% capacity, max.
    Normally, I would advise immediately standing, allowing to prep for any next move, faster - including fighting back.
    But this happens with such speed, and with such disorienting chaos: the insane screaming, the lack of clarity as to what - exactly - the perp WANTS, coupled with his bizarre 'sidekick' (wasn't clear at first if she was maybe trying to 'reign him in', somehow) - makes the most necessary action immediate evacuation of that car.
    I never enter the system anymore unless absolutely necessary, and then armed.
    It's a pity this wasn't Texas or Florida: a crazed, worthless savage like this could have been put down - like a rabid dog - the first time he exposed his knife, with the intent to harm or kill you.

  3. No place to run or really defend yourself. Nearly happened to me once.
    Three thugs on a bus with open switchblades threatening to kill me. I was lucky.

    GRA:I heard this on WBBM today--all 3 statues,in the city for over 100 years,were taken down--including one that resided in the "Little Italy" section of Chicago.
    Unbelievable,that non-Italians(blacks),can come into that neighborhood and force out a memorial to an Italian historical figure.

  5. I think the move to make,if you were a White person on the train,was to grab the black bitch and tell niggerboy,I'll break this nigger's neck if you don't GTFO.
    (You may need to pack a weapon to board city transportation now).
    They only understand violence.

