Friday, July 31, 2020

Stop & Shop Would Like to Introduce You to the Last White in America

About two months ago, Stop & Shop began showing a new ad (and then a second one, with the same cast) which had been drawn up, with the pandemic in mind.

It showed five non-whites in succession, and then showed a White man with his mestizo wife and half-mestizo daughter.

That was it.

One White out of eight people. 12.5%.

That would be close to the percentage (13.4) of blacks in America, but in fact ad companies and their clients have jammed so many blacks into TV ads for so many years that survey respondents typically think that America is one-third black.

Such almost White-free propaganda is part of the campaign for White genocide.

And other ad companies and their clients are increasingly playing the same game, even though they are overwhelmingly dependent on Whites’ money.

I have been fighting White genocide since, I dunno… forever.

Please help me and my merry men continue our work by making a generous donation to WEJB/NSU, by hitting the PayPal “Donate” icon at the top of the page.

And even if you can’t afford a donation at present, please post links to WEJB/NSU around the Web, in order to help fight Google’s years-long campaign of shadow-banning us.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


  1. The ads on TV the last two months have become almost over-whelming using negro actors and actresses. You CANNOT help but notice.

  2. I've posted this NSU blog site on Breitbart.
    So many commercials that are flooded with blacks--insurance,banks,prescription drugs,retail stores,consumer products.
    Today--back to back,while watching,"black Let's Make a Deal",an ad for Gain popped up,with a black woman giving the schlepp of White store clerk(obese) a piece of her mind about something to do with Gain.He looked clueless,while blackie was totally in charge.Most whites are portrayed as just this side of retarded,while blacks demand some product or service from them.
    Next came a drug commercial,showing an elderly White lady being met on her porch by a middle aged blackie female.They sit on the porch and the black is some type of caregiver,the White woman is ill and taking the drug advertised--Ibrance,I believe it was.Blacks are seen as "helping" Whitey in many ads(right--helping themselves to Whitey's cash and belongings).
    The ad that always got me going was for Repatha,showing a wedding between a white bride and black groom.The white woman's father was taking Repatha for his heart condition(no wonder--her daughter married a nig) and was seen having pics taken with his daughter's in-laws,dancing with blackies etc.
    "Extra Repatha,from now on,EVERY DAY,"I thought watching this commercial."
    Comcast and AT&T show whites as less functional than someone with a brain injury,while blacks just act frustrated at whitey's inability to satisfy the black's complaints.
    What admakers were trying to do,when this all started,like a tsunami--maybe 3 years ago--I still don't really get.Change the image of blacks and Whites?Reverse them,if you will?Probably,but the extent of their demonization of Whites and adulation of blacks is caricaturistic and extreme.
    Who told them to do this re-imaging?"Someone"suggested it. I've avoided as many of the offending company's products as much as possible.
    One more thing,the company(Kroger)I emailed about supporting BLM,telling them,"I hope millions of other whites boycott your stores as I will"--I never got an answer back.

  3. jerry pdx
    I keep hoping some whites will file a reverse discrimination lawsuit of some kind similar to when white (and asian ones too) college students did some years ago. A lawsuit toward the entertainment industry this time. The most obvious offender is, of course, Family Feud, in which 50% of the families competing are black, clearly it's discrimination against whites when 13% of the population gets to be 50% of the chosen competitors. But there is never a peep in the media about this blatant discrimination. Of course any white that dared file a lawsuit would be excoriated as racist and violent negro's would have carte blanche to do as they please to them...oh wait, they already have that..
