Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Who's the President? The John Doe Calling Himself "Barack Obama" Tells Americans to Stay Home for Foreseeable Future after President Trump Says He Wants to Reopen the Country by Easter

By R.C.

"Obama Tells Americans to Stay Home for the Foreseeable Future after President Trump Says He Wants to Reopen the Country by Easter."

R.C.: Nobel Peace (sic) Prize winner who dropped a record number of bombs on the Middle East.


  1. I hope he's directing that order only to his black constituency--and in addition to now,he should tell all those same blackies "to stay home" after all this passes in a few weeks.Stay home,instead of roaming the streets at all hours of the night.

  2. Is this a terrorist act or negligent homicide? Telling persons to say home and perhaps advising on medical care?
