Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Nevada’s Chief Medical Officer Not Licensed to Practice Medicine in U.S.

By R.C.
Wed, Mar 25, 2020 6:57 p.m.

"Nevada’s Chief Medical Officer Not Licensed to Practice Medicine in U.S."


  1. A bullet in the head is far more humane than these complicated drug methods.
    More important is that the Governor of Nevada is also not licensed to practice medicine, but this idiot has outlawed the use of the malaria drugs which offer the best hope to people dying of the Wuhan Virus--apparently because another idiot killed himself by taking aquarium cleaner thinking it was the medicine. Hopefully a lawsuit or Trump will stop this governor before people die unnecessarily. Not that many hospitals are using the malaria drugs which the dumb Democrat governor tyrannically outlawed.

  2. What a bum, I'd understand if he wanted to prevent the use outside a hospital setting to keep all the shady opioid $hop a doctor dothead clinics from prescribing all the supply off the shelf to those paying just to have some out of panic, but for this bum to practice medicine out of spite for Trump is silly. Trump was just talking up some possible good information he was hearing from doctors to try to give the public hope. I do give Trump mixed grades on his performance. The China flight ban was excellent, although not enough and too late as that first Seattle case was already simmering. Then the crap about the economy, "blue collar boom" he seemed to ignore it until Tucker Carlson went to see him and got him to take it seriously. But now the pipe dream about Easter going back to normal? He needs to lock down the epicenters like Hubei. Probably too many people have already fled NYC and taken it to Florida etc already just like in Wuhan. But really need to lock down NYC region, Western Washington, California, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans. Only Government and Commercial traffic gets in and out.

  3. OH GOD! This sounds like another immigrant scam. The false medical degree and so forth. Also another instance probably like it was with Obama in 2008. Don't have to provided any documents to authenticate your claimed skills and abilities.
