Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Lana Lokteff interview (Part II of II)

By An Old Friend
Tue, Mar 24, 2020 11:55 p.m.

The Lana Lokteff Interview (Part II of II)

Here's Edward Ring's interview of Lana Lokteff, the final ~40% of what's at the link below:


  1. I've watched a few RedIce shows--recaps of the week that was--and if you can stay awake more than 10 minutes,you must have horrific insomnia.
    Lokteff and Henrik (especially)have very little charisma.Lokteff has produced some decent short videos--including one,where she held out hope that whites would "be fighting back,not taking this genocidal path lying down anymore."
    Maybe it's because they're laid-back Swedes,but they're no Geraldo Riveras or even Phil Donahue types in the charisma department.
    Good points in this interview.Maybe she's better answering questions than hosting a show.

  2. "someone who thinks they are better than all the other races and wants to oppress them"

    Would it be so terribly awful if you think whites are better than all others but you do not want to oppress or mistreat anyone? I guess my thoughts on paper are some sort of hate crime.

  3. "Jews say they feel safer in multicultural societies because of their history of expulsion from Gentile societies in the past."

    All these European anti-Jewish hate crimes predominantly if almost not entirely the result of mass immigration of Muslims from various nations to Europe. Not being done in the vast majority of instances by "gentiles" that are European.
