Wednesday, March 25, 2020

On the Transition from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe

Tue, Mar 24, 2020 8:01 p.m.

On the transition from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe

Great post, AOF!

I remember reading that years-ago post on Kristoff. But it's good to be reminded just how the ruling class across the West was so utterly blinded by race-is-a-social-construct/white privilege ideology.

Blinded then and blinded now.

February 1, 2020: Italy

MAYOR DARIO NARDELLA OF FLORENCE EMBRACES CHINESE MAN: @DarioNardella [mayor of Florence, Italy in 33s clip standing next to a Chinese man, whom he then embraces] #coronavirus [translated from Italian by Google]: "We follow the indications of the health authorities and we use caution, but no psychological terrorism and, above all, enough with the usual jackals who could not wait to use this excuse to hate and insult. United in this common battle! #AbbracciaUnCinese" [Hug a Chinese]. (Feb. 1, 2020)

March 22, 2020: Italy

BREAKING911 @Breaking911 ITALY [video: 18s]: "Hospitals overwhelmed as hundreds die daily from the #coronavirus" (March 22, 2020):


  1. Italians on the way down hill for some time now. Worse than USA as I read and understand. Good luck with your new masters. Marco Polo thought highly of them.

  2. With all the Africans crossing illegally into Italy it MIGHT as well be turning into Rhodesia descending into Zimbabwe.
