Sunday, January 26, 2020

Raceless, Faceless Perp Shot Grocery Store Security Guard 3X, before Riding Away on a Bike, Wearing a Pink Hoodie and Black Packpack

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jan 26, 2020 1:13 p.m.

The suspect [sic] rode away on a bicycle wearing a pink hoodie and black backpack after the shooting, according to police. Police said he is still at large and believe he is about 35 to 40 years old.

N.S.: "The suspect" didn't ride away, the perp did. If the cops ever arrest someone for the shooting, he'll be "the suspect," but the guy who rode away was the shooter. Cops began referring to people as "suspects" to avoid lawsuits for falsely charging innocents as perps, but in recent years, as part of the sick, symbiotic relationship between the MSM and police, both started falsely referring to perps as "suspects."

According to "scrappy koala," unless the media refused to report what the cops told them, the cops described the perp as being black.

ATR: A pink hoodie in the 'hood.

Too funny.

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