Sunday, January 26, 2020

Lying Farmers and Lying Economists: Farmers Say They are Planting Less, Turning to Automation, Leaving Crops to Rot in the Field... While Economists Assert that Lack of Cheap, Illegal Labor Hurts American Workers' Wages!

By R.C.
Sun, Jan 26, 2020 2:45 p.m.

Farmers say they are planting less, turning to automation, eliminating some crops, leaving them to rot in the field or contemplating selling out of the business altogether -- all because they cannot find enough immigrant labor.

R.C.: Automation

N.S.: Nah. If it were automation, they wouldn't need any illegals. And the assertion that insufficient numbers of illegals undercuts and even eliminates Americans' jobs?! These mopes can't keep their lies straight.

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