Friday, November 29, 2019

Negrophilia and Thanksgiving's Dallas Cowboys Game

By A Texas Reader
Thu, Nov 28, 2019 9:05 p.m.

Negrophilia and Today's Dallas Cowboys game

I watched the first half of the Dallas Cowboys game.

Was having dinner with extended family.

After the early dinner some of us watched the game.

It was stunning to see that the majority of characters in the commercials were black.  Stunning because I almost never watch television, and so I can easily detect changes in advertisers' focus.

Two others agree with me.

One was a family member by marriage.   He is retired and just sorta blurted out his finding while watching the game.

The second is a Mexican-American acquaintance of mine.  She noticed it as well.  She wasn't at dinner, but was instead watching the game at home.

What is it with the advertising industry and its Negro fetish?


  1. I posted a brief history of commercials not too long ago (month?).Basically,20 years ago,you only saw whites in 99% of TV ads.
    10 years ago,token blacks showed up in the background.
    5 to 7 years ago,an occasional black would appear in a minor role.
    Two to five years ago,a black or two would start to appear--sitting in a bar or restaurant with whites (conspicous by their presence.You wondered why they were there).
    Two years ago,the "dumb white/smart black" phenomena started,caught fire and carried through to most of 2019.AT&T,insurance companies,some retail went full throttle on that trend.Whites were portrayed as nerdy,out of shape,befuddled by simple tasks.Blacks?Fit and full of advice for dumb whitey.
    Last year and this,90% of the TV ads had a black in the commercial--often the lead character,dominating the white doofus.
    A month ago,I started seeing many all black commercials--no token whiteys--as there were years ago for blacks.Whites have been squeezed out completely,not just in one ad,but back to back to back commercials.
    The interracial scenario is the latest trend picking up steam.As I noted the other day --an unfortunate white grandfather is having Thanksgiving with his son and black daughter-in-law and his burrhead grandkids are shown jumping on grandpa's lap while he tries to watch TV.What a joy that must be.
    I noted that most white people in the country(if given a choice) still stick to their own race--yet where are all the commercials for THOSE demographics?Most ads ignore that aspect of America's population and push black or mixed race ads--so the only taboo now appears to be showing all white people in commercials(that would be "racist".)
    Stupidity is not a strong enough word to describe the Madison Avenue morons--mostly whites,I assume-- who have come up with this garbage,that's part fiction and part pushing their agenda of white replacement.
    But no protests anywhere that I've noticed.

    (Fox News)Kid Rock slammed Oprah Winfrey during a foul-mouthed, drunken rant at a Tennessee bar this week.

    The 48-year-old musician was at the Big A-- Honky Tonk Rock N' Roll Steakhouse in Nashville when he yelled into the microphone, "F--- Oprah. Oprah Winfrey is like 'Hey, I just want women to believe in this sh--'. F--- her. She can s--- d--- sideways," according to video obtained by TMZ.

    "And if you say that, people say, 'Hey, I'm pretty sure Kid Rock's a racist.' I'm, like, 'OK, fine'. F--- off'," he added.

    Kid, real name Robert James Ritchie, also took aim at "The View" co-host Joy Behar before he was escorted offstage by security. "I'm not a bad guy, I'm just an honest guy saying I don't like Oprah Winfrey or Joy Behar," he said.

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    Kid Rock slammed Oprah in a drunken rant at a Nashville bar.
    Kid Rock slammed Oprah in a drunken rant at a Nashville bar. (Gary Miller/Getty Images)
    Back in 2008, Kid made his feelings about Oprah known. He told The Independent magazine, "I just don’t believe her. Maybe it's because I'm not one of the 150 million brainwashed women who heed her every word."

    The crowd didn't approve of Kid's message. In the video, someone can be heard saying, "He's racist. Look at him he's blacked out drunk as f---.'"


    More recently, in August, the entertainer slammed Taylor Swift on social media because he disliked a tweet she wrote about her political beliefs and why she's become more vocal about issues that are important to her.

    "Taylor Swift wants to be a democrat because she wants to be in movies....period," Kid wrote on Friday.

    Rock then implied Swift, 29, would perform a sexually suggestive act to get in the good graces of "Hollyweird" before he concluded it was the "oldest move in the book. Good luck girl."
    GRA:His opinion should be accepted as just that--his opinion--and not used as a reason by SJW's to destroy Kid Rock.When all of us can say what we want without the fear of backlash,threats of job loss or worse,mob attacks--we will have the beginnings of a country again.Hypocritically though,the same people who will rip Kid Rock's statements as racist or misogynist,make the most hateful attacks anyone can make against Trump--think of DeNiro,Cher,Alec Baldwin et al.These over the top (supposedly SOBER)attacks are embraced by Twitter,Facebook and the media--with no reprisals.
    "F*** Trump,"they all say in one form or another--and it's not an excuse that he's a politician.Either we have free speech for all or for no one.I prefer the former.I support Kid Rock 100% for his right to speak his views--without organized retribution.Oprah can also reply in any way she wants--which I support as well.
    Let the pretentious,predictable PC demonization of Rock,Roseanne Barr or anyone else be ratcheted down.Let America speak without fear of vengence by the left.Let conservatives have the same rights as the wacko left does.It's the way America is supposed to work.


  3. Best be glad they are targeting the groids. I recall a CBS VP of advertising back in the 80s commenting on the kneegro demographic back in the 80s. He said, quote, it is important to target the blacks because they are stupid and materialistic, unquote. No negative mention in the press at all. Advertising has been seeking the lowest common denominator since the Roseanne show, if not before. The target groups are those with the least elasticity of demand. Target the addicts. It works with liquor sales, and pretty much anything a negro finds interesting. Just like shiny lures attract fish, undeveloped minds are attracted to bright colors and instant gratification.

    If one can identify with the actors in a commercial, then it's time to worry. The Devil knows your name.

  4. Angela Merkel Says Freedom Of Speech Must Be Curtailed To Keep Society Free

    Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel says that freedom of expression must be curtailed in order to keep society free.

    “For all those who claim that they can no longer express their opinion, I say this to them; If you express a pronounced opinion, you must live with the fact that you will be contradicted,” said Merkel during a speech to the German Parliament.

    “Expressing an opinion does not come at zero cost, but freedom of expression has limits,” she added, as some in the Bundestag could be heard voicing their disagreement.

    “Those limits begin where hatred is spread, they begin where the dignity of other people is violated. This house will and must oppose extreme speech otherwise our society will no longer be the free society that it was,” said Merkel.

    Ezra Levant ��

    Watch till the end. Angela Merkel says: we have to take away your freedom of speech, or else society won’t be free.

    Of course, what “violates” the “dignity” of other people is completely subjective and could include all manner of speech that most people would find perfectly acceptable.

    The debate over free speech in Germany has intensified since the country accepted over a million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa from 2015 onwards.

    Many Germans have found themselves hit with charges of hate speech for pointing out ‘hate facts’ like migrants being responsible for crimes and sexual assaults

    This happened despite the German government’s own numbers showing violent crime in Germany rose by 10 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and that more than 90 per cent of the rise was attributable to young male “refugees.”
    GRA:As I mentioned about the Kid Rock story,the left wants to decide who has free speech (it sure isn't white men)and who does not(white men).
    If any particular person's rights and dignity were violated by any other person,slander laws are already available for civil suits by the aggrieved.
    In the case of Kid Rock,would Oprah sue to "correct" his statement of belief that she can s**k c**k sideways--would it be worth it?First,Kid Rock was drunk.Second,it was HIS opinion(even a joke or exaggeration).Third,it's not just about Kid Rock,Germany or Angela Merkle individually--this is about forcing everyone to accept the globalist blueprint that they have drawn up for the world--and THEY want ZERO resistance,verbally or physically to it.You will accept what Merkle,Oprah,Obama,Soros,the Bushes and Clintons have in store for us--without complaint.See how well its worked around the world?The lowering of living standards,the increase in crime,rapes,murders,drug abuse and filthy cities.
    Globalists see those things as acceptable collateral damage in their quest to force Muslims,blacks and Mex on the civilized world.
    The other stuff Rock,Roseanne,Papa John is minutiae in the scheme of things--Merkle's idea of "keeping society free" means she--and all globalists like her--want to control white people's every move.
    I will never stop objecting to that.

  5. jerry pdx
    You know how negro math works, when the 13% changed the laws of mathematics and said that 13% equals 50%, white society said OK and capitulated, but it still isn't enough, now liberal whites are digging deeper to give them 90%. They don't understand that it doesn't matter how much they give, it's not about equality, it's about getting over on whitey and they'll never stop until we has nothing left to give. But guilty white liberals will keep reaching down farther into their (and our) pockets to give more.

  6. Maybe it's because they're burn down their neighborhoods, rob, rape, murder and destroy any semblance of a normal life for themselves and the rest of the world?

    I think I overheard a black woman all excited talking about this two or three years ago. It could be mandated. Don't quote me on it but I am mighty sick of it.

  7. Everywhere now. And showing negro men with white women all the time. Dutiful and loving husband and wife with the very smart mulatto child. Sure.
