Friday, November 29, 2019

Harare - Zimbabwe is Facing "Man-Made" Starvation with 60 Percent of the People Failing to Meet Basic Food Needs, a UN Special Envoy said Thursday

By R.C.
Thu, Nov 28, 2019 10:07 p.m.

N.S.: Why does the picture depict such a fat individual? And why should the American government pick white Americans' pockets, in order to feed blacks who have engaged in mass land theft from whites, who had been producing food surpluses? Plus, the ruling kleptocrats will steal most of any food aid America sends. Finally, isn't the phrase "UN expert" an oxymoron?

To let the Zimbabweans starve would be just.

Harare (AFP) - Zimbabwe is facing "man-made" starvation with 60 percent of the people failing to meet basic food needs, a UN special envoy said Thursday after touring the southern African country.

"Zimbabwe facing 'man-made' starvation, UN expert warns."

Zimbabwe is facing "man-made" starvation with 60 percent of the people failing to meet basic food needs, a UN special envoy said Thursday after touring the southern African country. Hilal Elver, Special Rapporteur on the right to food, ranked Zimbabwe among the four top countries facing severe...



  1. jerry pdx
    Take these stories with a big "grain" of salt. A lot of these stories are about cash crops like wheat not being produced in sufficient amounts to satisfy the corporate food merchants. So why would people die if they don't have Wonder Bread anyways? I'd be willing to bet most people can get food to eat but just aren't buying enough commodity import/export foods at the grocery store. Another tipoff is a "UN envoy". The UN, like the EU is one of the primary agencies involved in promoting the mass migration of negro's & Muslims to the 1st world. Some hysterical headlines about starving negro's give them propaganda material to justify mass shipping them to the West. Next step is a few photo ops with black babies and protruding bellies, which guilts white's into allowing their borders to be open to the Congoids. Throw these stories in the same pile as the ones about Jose being threatened to death by gangs and "needing to escape" from "grinding poverty" or Abdul escaping conscription by ISIS.

  2. It is not man made. It was manufactured by every single murderer of white farmers and their employees. It was created by Robert Mugabee and anyone who supported him. Like those idiots in the NYC Council who invited him here on the taxpayer's dime.

    This is what happens when Africans are in charge, they're running the country into the ground.
    Of course I have compassion, but please don't ship anymore Africans to the USA, don't bail them out. We knew this would happen the minute Rhodesia was over. SA is next.

  3. Blacks in Africa are always starving to death. That is why their numbers are always continuing to grown exponentially.
