Monday, October 28, 2019

One of Greenville Mass Shooting Murder Victims, Kevin Berry, 23, was a Father of Two, with Number 3 on the Way

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Oct 27, 2019 7:13 p.m.

Who was Kevin Berry? Man killed at homecoming party in Greenville, family says Berry's mother, Nakima Alexander, told WFAA Sunday that Kevin Berry was a father of two, with another child on the way.

ATR: How does he afford 3 kids if he didn't graduate high school?

Now we know he can't afford 'em.

1 comment:

    They tell some whoppers.Here's a new one:

    "Berry was an innocent bystander in the shooting, she said."
    That quote is the latest scam excuse by the blackie thugs around GR too.Innocent,my gluteus maximus.This quote is supposed to exonerate the dead negro from blame for being in that location--which an intelligent person would not BE at.It also lowers the death legally--in the blacks' eyes--for future prosecution of the killer--it's negroes covering for other negroes.Not intentional--twas an accident.
    The media,in my good for nothing city,is very quick and delighted to report this negro lie.
    "Dumshitious just happened to be in the crossfire."
    "Porchsitterous was an unintended victim..."as if that even matters to the blacks who do the shooting.Media differentiates intended killings and "friendly negro fire killings"--to lower the reaction of the viewer.

    Funny,if that kind of info is known--that the wrong person was shot--then you can be sure,much more info is known ie:if the person killed was not the intended victim--who was?Taking that to the next logical step,it must also be assumed that if the intended victim is known,the shooter is known as well.
    But the crimes never get solved.Police COULD haul all these thugs in for lying--and SHOULD do so.
    Anyways,I laughed after reading the "accidental death" b.s.It's the latest lie by blackies everywhere.

