Monday, October 28, 2019

Freshman Rep. Katie Hill, a Rising Democratic Star in the House, Announced Her Resignation Sunday amid an Ethics Probe, Saying Explicit Private Photos of Her with a Campaign Staffer Had been "Weaponized" by Her Abusive Husband and Political Operatives

By R.C.
Sun, Oct 27, 2019 9:02 pm

Freshman Rep. Katie Hill, a rising Democratic star in the House, announced her resignation Sunday amid an ethics probe, saying explicit private photos of her with a campaign staffer had been "weaponized" by her abusive husband and political operatives.

Maybe she should get a job under a streetlight, no?


  1. Gone, but not guilty in her estimation. She has been done a wrong. She is the victim. Sure.

  2. In a rare moment of NOT being nude,Katie Hill,left her bedroom and put some clothes on(for a change)to appear before media cameras and announcing,"I am resigning from Congress next Friday,because I have discovered,this job takes valuable time away from my lettuce munching activities.Do you know how many dildos I don't have a chance to use in a week,because of stupid meetings and hearings?That's it--goodbye."
    As Hill left the podium,she was observed disrobing almost immediately,while aids attempted to cover her up with whatever materials were available.
