Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Edward Ring: Why Climate Activists Won’t Support Nuclear Power

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Buskirk <>
To: add1dda <>
Sent: Wed, May 1, 2019 9:33 am
Subject: Edward Ring: Why Climate Activists Won't Support Nuclear Power



Why Climate Activists Won't Support Nuclear Power


By Edward Ring

For several days in mid-April, downtown London was paralyzed by thousands of "climate activists" protesting the failure of the British government to act swiftly enough to combat climate change.

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Can Biden Overcome Being an Old White Guy?


By Karin McQuillan

Vice President Joe Biden's presidential campaign launch last week was an attempt to run to the front of the white privilege caravan. He must succeed at this, or it will run him over—and he knows it. 

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The New Social Contract We Must Reject


By Bruce P. Frohnen and Ted V. McAllister

America's public life is disordered; our discourse toxic. Competing lists of scandals and abuses (calls for impeachment, "nuclear options," attacks on free speech, and so on) are long and shop-worn—and often miss the real issue that something profound, systemic, and dangerous has happened to our nation.

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Democrats are Just Monkey's With Bananas


By George S. Bardmesser

African natives use a simple method to catch monkeys: take a heavy jar with an opening just large enough for the monkey to fit in his head. Place a banana inside the jar so the monkey can see it. 

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Chase Apologizes After 'Tone Deaf' Tweet Triggers Democrats


By Debra Heine

Chase, America's largest bank, deleted an innocuous tweet and apologized Monday after a Twitter outrage mob deemed it "insensitive."

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Why Most Jews Aren't Bothered by the Times' Anti-Semitic Cartoon


By Dennis Prager

Last week, The New York Times published a cartoon so anti-Semitic that Bret Stephens wrote in his Times column that it was "an image that, in another age, might have been published in the pages of Der Stürmer." Der Stürmer was the Nazis' major anti-Semitic newspaper.

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Trump Memo Cracks Down on Asylum Process


By Liz Sheld

President Trump issued a memo on Monday evening that outlines changes to the asylum process to take effect in 90 days. The changes will "bar certain asylum seekers from obtaining work authorization, impose fees on applications, speed up court decisions and limit access to other forms of relief."
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Rosenstein Submits Resignation, Thanks Trump for 'Courtesy and Humor' in Personal Conversations


By Debra Heine

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, submitted his resignation on Monday to President Trump, ending his turbulent two-year run as the Justice Department's second in command.
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The Real 'Bombshells' Are About to Hit Their Targets


By Julie Kelly

The next bombshell report to drop from the Justice Department likely will earn none of the breathless fanfare and media coverage that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report received, but it could be far more incriminating.

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Giuliani Wonders Why Media Ignore Ukraine-DNC Collusion


By Thomas Farnan

Rudy Giuliani tweeted on Saturday:
If the media continues to ignore the possible Ukrainian-DNC conspiracy in 2016 to find and create damaging information about Trump, Manafort and the Trump campaign, it will amount to corruption. For those of us still open to change, help us and cover it. You know it's NEWS!


Control the Narrative, Save the West


By Christopher Roach

Although the mechanism is mysterious, it often seems as though a centralized control center is issuing out for dissemination the turns of phrase and interpretations of events to be spread by celebrities, prestige journalists, and other influencers. These narratives end up influencing and controlling the way we think about things.

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Why Trump Is Bitter the Firefighters Endorsed Joe Biden


By Salena Zito

PITTSBURGH—Joe Biden's decision to kick off his presidential campaign in Western Pennsylvania Monday shows that he is not just in a battle for the soul of the country; he is in a battle for the soul of his party.
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by Chris Buskirk, Julie Ponzi, & Ben Boychuk
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1 comment:

  1. Without reading the article, it works? Disposal of course a problem. NIMBY.
