Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Blood Money: New Report Dismantles, Brick by Brick, the Case for Mandatory Slavery Reparations from Whites to Blacks

Democratic Candidates Line Up for Al Sharpton’s Call for Reparations
Posted on April 26, 2019 by Carl Horowitz
Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

It’s hard to imagine a more ill-conceived idea than forcing one race of people to pay reparations to another race for acts occurring more than 150 years ago. Yet after decades of languishing on the margins in this country, the touchy issue of forcing whites to pay blacks reparations for slavery has taken center stage. Early this month, about 15 Democratic presidential hopefuls spoke at Manhattan’s Sheraton Times Square Hotel as part of the annual conference of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. Coaxed by Sharpton and a partisan audience, the candidates happily obliged, oblivious to the high likelihood that a reparations program, far from repairing anything, would be a divisive, nonstop shakedown. Black “civil rights” demagogues such as Sharpton, most of all, would reap the benefits.

For decades, prominent black civil rights leaders and elected officials in this country have advocated the creation of a massive federal program to force whites, whether individually or through institutions, to compensate blacks for the slavery experienced by many of their ancestors. They are fully aware that the 13th amendment of the Constitution abolished slavery almost immediately following the Civil War and that white slave owners and traders involved in this enterprise are long deceased. But they are not impressed by these inconvenient facts. To skirt around such considerations, they typically resort to two arguments. First, they say, slavery, though outlawed long ago, has left an indelible imprint on blacks that keeps them down to this very day. Removing this metaphysical stain requires that whites pay up. Second, whites today, especially those with serious money, reap unearned privileges due to the vestiges of slavery. Such claims are misleading and dangerous. Yet many blacks and a growing number of whites accept them at face value. Even the enlarged welfare state and anti-white affirmative action “diversity” quotas instituted over the last half-century do not impress such activists. They want a formal, full-scale reparations program....

[Read the whole thing here.]

1 comment:

  1. When normally they speak of reparations blacks think money, cash and lots of it. Going to be given to them personally. Advocates of reparations speak mostly of college scholarships [for which most all negro are unprepared for college anyhow] or small business loans. But the average everyday street negro thinks only cash. Like manna flowing from heaven for the faithful.

    Money if indeed ever given would spent primarily on frivolity. Drugs, smokes, drinks, gambling, etc. A total waste.
