Thursday, September 27, 2018

Video: Lindsey Graham’s Warning to America, and to President Trump

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


  1. Here's an amazing item I noticed:Ford has remembered quite a lot of an event that occurred almost 40 years ago,yet she can't remember whether she gave notes to the Washington Post in JULY!
    Prosecutor:Did you give notes of your therapy sessions to the WAPO?"
    "I don't remember."
    Other questions along that same line were met with Ford saying,"I don't remember."
    Yet,she remembers the "white,stricken look on Mark Judge's face",when they met 6-8 weeks later(40 years ago)at a grocery store.
    A little presumptive to think that Judge had a panic attack from something that he had so much fun participating in (according to Ford).Or,if this did not happen,or he did not remember the event (from being "very intoxicated")why would he react in any way--especially in terror?
    Why didn't she remember how she got home if she was not drinking?
    By claiming sobriety,Ms Ford therefore gives an indication of competence and faultless recall.If she admitted to any drinking,the testimony would no doubt be compromised.Her claim of sobriety/drunkenness cannot be proven or disproven.So she MUST say she was sober to keep her claim credible.
    Good memory when it suits her case,bad memory when it doesn't.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Is this Ford or Diane Keaton testifying?
    Maybe the boys that she was hanging around with were Woody Allen and Tony Roberts?She's very neurotic.

  3. jerry pdx
    Busy Phillips has now announced, in support of Christine Ford, that she was raped at 14. If you're wondering who Busy Phillips is, so was I. Supposedly an "actress" but I've never heard of her.
    25 years later, when she's pushing 40 and still not a household name, it's jump on the bandwagon and jumpstart that flagging career now that she's not young and fresh anymore.

    Even if it really happened, and maybe it did, how does she compare her experience at 14 to a college age woman out drinking and partying who wasn't even raped? I think the comparison is highly inappropriate and even insulting to children who actually do experience sexual assault, but you think any of these mindless poseurs will think about that?

  4. Again, the left [Democratic party] has shown us their true intentions with this "hearing". Conservatives wake up and fast. Collegiality does you no good.

  5. Graham is right too. Someone acting badly in a sexual manner in high school does not overnight become the choir boy goody two shoes. The bad guy just continues to be the bad guy. Even becomes more emboldened.
