Thursday, September 27, 2018

Photo: Cory Booker Exposed as a Neo-Nazi!


Heil, Booker!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


  1. YES. ALERT. But a negro cannot hate or be a supremacist. It is not possible. Bookers does have a lot of whitey admixture. That is apparent. Could it be my main man Bookers is a hidden whitey?

  2. Cory Booker the Fraud, someone please do an investigative report on Booker as mayor of Newark New Jersey working hand-in-hand with Bob Menendez turns ghetto Newark into a third-world s*** hole, his whole term as mayor is full of corruption, bribes, kickbacks, thievery and incompetence, him and his partner bob should be in jail

  3. "his whole term as mayor is full of corruption, bribes, kickbacks, thievery and incompetence"

    That clear and consistent pattern nationwide of negro poor governance. Bad cities become worse. Much worse.
