Tuesday, November 21, 2017

White Lives Just Don’t Matter; Remember the Papa John’s Murder? Well, David in TN Never Forgot about It


War crime victim Gordon Schaffer, 22, was murdered by Darious Fitzpatrick on October 20, 2014

By David in TN and Nicholas Stix

My chief of research and I were just talking, a few minutes ago, about how little the public knows about basic policy (e.g., President Trump’s executive orders), because alleged reporters have no interest in reporting on them. They waste one press briefing after another, taking vicious cheap shots, tag-team-style, against the President. Even after the downsizing of recent years, there are several times as many alleged reporters as there were in, say, 1960, and yet, the American public has no idea what’s going on. Heck, I have no idea what the h-e-c-k is going on.

With so much violent crime being committed by blacks and Hispanics (probably 90%, but no one knows, because the Bureau of Justice Statistics routinely engages in fraud, whereby it counts Hispanic Mestizos as “white,” in order to lower the black-white crime ratio, and make whites look much worse than they are, and blacks look much better than they are), nobody can keep up with it.

And while the police and criminal justice authorities routinely “disappear” crime by undercharging black and Hispanic felons, or not charging or arresting them at all, or by refusing to punish them, prosecutors and the MSM conspire to disappear crime by forgetting about certain “diverse” criminals.

For instance, Baltimore’s Freddie Gray had a long list of arrests without dispositions. Ditto for Eric Garner, who had been charged with, among other things, child molestation.

New York City now engages in periodic amnesties of colored criminals. The NYPD asserts that the cases that are “disappeared” are the lowliest of misdemeanors, but if you believe that, I’ve got a great deal for you on a slightly used bridge.

In April 2010, three men kidnapped and gang-raped a raceless coed from Augsburg College at dawn on a Sunday morning. One of the suspects, Eric J. Smith, was black, and his DNA on the vic.

The story just vanished, and I couldn’t find any record of Eric J. Smith in the state convict database.

Note that New York City (like Chicago, and surely many other cities) “disappears” murders, which is a story I’m working on.

By David in TN
Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 2:15:00 P.M. EST

On Monday of this week (November 13) I went by the Columbia, Tennessee Circuit Court Clerk's office to see if they had a trial date after the latest continuance, of which there have been a half dozen.

"Yes," I was told, "The trial date is April 9." I didn't ask why there have been so many "continuances." It would be worth knowing, in my opinion.

N.S.: David must have driven to that courthouse—a couple of hours, each way—eight times, at this point. There are never any reporters in the courtroom. He’s typically the only one in the room who isn’t a confessed murderer, or someone who’s being paid to be there. The judge has inexplicably granted at least six continuances.

Oh, you didn’t know that Darious Fitzpatrick confessed years ago, to murdering Papa John’s Pizza clerk Gordon Schaffer?

Well, I’m funny. If a man says he aimed to kill someone when he shot at him, and he eventually hit him, and the vic died from his wounds, I call that a murder confession.

So, why wasn’t the matter disposed of in a few weeks, three years ago? Beats me.

Apparently, the meaning of “due process” has been completely perverted, where certain classes of criminals are concerned.


[Previously, at WEJB/NSU, on this racist atrocity:

“War Crime Follow-Up: The Papa John’s Murder in Columbia, Tennessee”;

“Juveniles Tried as Adults for Murder Not Unusual in Maury County, TN”;

“Exclusive Update on the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaeffer”;

“Papa John's CEO Attends Funeral of Employee Shot Dead by Robbers While Working at the Popular Pizza Chain - and Pays for his Service and Medical Expenses”;

WEJB/NSU Exclusive: Update on the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaffer; are Tennessee Officials Dragging Their Feet, in Order to Quietly Thwart Justice, in the Case of Suspect Darious Fitzpatrick?” [Racist, black court worker];

“Update on the Racist, ‘Papa John’s’ Murder of Gordon Schaffer”;

“The Hate Crime ‘Papa John’s’ Murder of Gordon Schaffer: A Status Update”;

“Third Suspect Arrested in 2014 Papa John’s Murder Racist Hate Crime”;

“Things are Moving (Finally!) in the Racist Papa John’s Murder of White Counter Clerk, Gordon Shaffer (Update)”;

“Remember the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaffer in Columbia, Tennessee? WEJB/NSU’s David in TN is Still on the Case! (Update)”;

“Judge to Observer in Empty Courtroom: ‘Do you have any business?’: Racist MSM Continue to Maintain News Blackout of the Hate Crime Murder of Papa John’s Clerk Gordon Schaffer, but WEJB/NSU’s Heroic David in TN Continues to Bear Witness!”;

“Delay, Delay, Delay: Doesn’t Anyone Care Any More about Serving Justice? (The Papa John’s Murder)”;

“Shhh! ‘The reason behind the [five black-on-white serial] killings remains a mystery’—‘Comments have been disabled for this story’”;

“Kansas City, MO, and Columbia, TN: Of Racial Murders and News Blackouts.”; and

“Something’s Rotten in Tennessee: Prosecutor Shows No Interest in Trying Papa John’s Murder Case, Despite Shooter’s Confession and Videotape of Crime.”]

War criminal Darious Fitzpatrick, though only 17 at the time of the war crime in 2014, was already a violent career criminal with several felony convictions as a juvenile; his example is spurring calls for juvenile justice reform in Tennessee. I did not refer to Fitzpatrick as a "suspected war criminal," because he has confessed that he shot to kill Gordon Schaffer, even though it took him several shots to hit his victim.

1 comment:

  1. After a news blackout, the trial started on Monday, April 9. I just sent you an account of the Tuesday session. The defense repudiates the confession.
