Thursday, October 05, 2017

No Noose is Good Noose! Hysterical, Michigan State University President, Lou Anna Simon, Manufactures Noose Hoax Out of Her Own, PC Imagination; but Will She be Fired, or Feted?

By Nicholas Stix

Police: 'Noose' found in Michigan State dorm was a shoelace
RJ Wolcott, Lansing State Journal Published 1:39 p.m. ET Oct. 4, 2017 | Updated 5:16 p.m. ET Oct. 4, 2017

(Photo: LSJ file photo)

EAST LANSING - An item found on a stairwell door handle in a Michigan State University residence hall and initially believed to be a noose was, in fact, a shoelace, MSU police say.

MSU President Lou Anna Simon released a statement Wednesday morning condemning what appeared to be an instance of racial intimidation and saying, in part, that "No Spartan should ever feel targeted based on their race, or other ways in which they identify."

By Wednesday afternoon, after further investigation, the university offered a different account of what had happened.

A matching packaged shoelace was found outside Holden Hall, the residence hall where the incident was reported, MSU spokesman Jason Cody said in a news release.

MSU police spoke with the student who lost both shoelaces which "are packaged in a way that someone could perceive them to look similar to a noose," Cody said.

The student who lost the shoelaces lives on the same floor as the student who reported the incident. It was not directed at any individual, Cody said, adding that police believe someone found the shoelace and put it on a stairwell door handle after picking it up off the floor.

Both Cody's statement and Simon's original statement can be found at

Contact RJ Wolcott at (517) 377-1026 or Follow him on Twitter @wolcottr.

Greg Lloyd ·
Mott Community College
Sponsoring a "healing space".......
Like · Reply · 4 · 9 hrs

Jim McNally ·
Tampa, Florida
Overreact much?
Like · Reply · 10 · 8 hrs

Rick Lenski
Will they "children" ever grow up?
Like · Reply · 4 · 8 hrs

Rick Lenski
Sorry should these children, spell check got me.
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs

Ted Zaydel ·
Wayne State University
Clueless liberals and 13 percenters looking for racism in every nook and cranny. Will they go into a state of prolonged depression now that it has been shown that this had nothing to do with a noose? Will they call off the planned protests and riots around the campus in response or will they go ahead with them if for no other reason than to stock up on foodstuff and goods from stores they loot and burn.
Like · Reply · 10 · 7 hrs

Irish Barbers
Looks like a mistake they corrected. Stop your whining Teddy.
Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Andrew Taylor ·
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Okay! The fallout from this is the Michigan State University President should be fired for causing a panic and spreading ethnic and racial distrust over a mundane piece of trash. She lacks the intelligence and basic common sense to be overseeing such a large community of students seeking an honest education.
Like · Reply · 6 · 7 hrs

Christopher Darr ·
Livonia, Michigan
Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs

Carman Conforti ·
Wayne State University
No noose is good noose.
Like · Reply · 4 · 6 hrs

Rodrigo GirĂ£o ·
The day of the shoelace is nigh!
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs


  1. What do they teach over at MSU (80 miles east of me)that they can't tell a shoelace from a rope.Eyetests and IQ tests are in order,at minimum.
    Meanwhile,Michelle Obama made an incendiary comment,reported on,about why "people don't trust politics,because Republicans are all men--all WHITE."
    That's all anyone should remember about her and the Democrats.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. "packaged in a way that someone could perceive them to look similar to a noose,"

    The perception was in the mind of the university President. Sorta like red scares during the 1950's. J. Edgar and a commie under every bed?

  3. instead of everyone just having a big laugh, this will be taken quite seriously EVEN WHEN PROVEN FALSE. It could have been will be the response [a noose].
