Thursday, October 05, 2017

Coppers Finally Caught a White Allegedly Making Death Threats against Blacks! What Does that Make Them, 1 for 1,000?

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat

Alexandria man charged with making online threats against Howard students

By Jack Moore
October 4, 2017 5:50 p.m.

WASHINGTON — An Alexandria man has been arrested and charged with posting online comments threatening to kill African-American students at Howard University.

John Edgar Rust, 24, who is white, was arrested Wednesday. Rust is accused of posting the anonymous comments to the online message board 4chan in November 2015. The comments, which were riddled with racial slurs, detailed a plan to kill Howard students and contained the phrase “It’s not murder if they’re black.”

The threats, which came after a series of racially charged incidents at the University of Missouri earlier that year, sparked fear on the Howard campus and led to stepped-up security.

[Liar. The threats came after a series of black race hoaxes at the University of Missouri earlier that year. Since WTOP operative Jack Moore recycled old hate hoaxes, that makes him a hoaxer, as well.]

Howard University increases security following unconfirmed threat Washington, DC News

Court documents from the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia said authorities tracked an IP address to an Alexandria Panera Bread location where they said Rust used the free Wi-Fi to post the threats.

According to online court records, Rust was convicted in Loudoun County in 2012 of indecent liberties with a child and aggravated sexual battery. As a condition of his probation, he was prohibited from accessing the internet, the court documents stated.

Authorities confiscated multiple digital devices, including smartphones, a computer and an external hard drive, according to the court documents. The hard drive contained articles and information about the design and use of explosives and firearms, the documents stated.

Rust is facing a federal charge tied to the making of threats, which carries a maximum of five years in prison.

Rust is scheduled to appear in federal court in Alexandria Thursday.


  1. And this person should be punished too. As should all other person perpetrating hoaxes.

  2. As the info comes in about Stephen Paddock's other potential sites for mayhem,it's clear to me the Vegas attack was political and racial in nature.This was a white man who bought the black and liberal propaganda and by looking at Lollapalooza in Chicago (100% white audience)and Fenway Park ( close to the same),his motive is clear.Kill the white man.
    Now will CNN,NEGRO NIGHTLY NEWS and other radical networks investigate this guy like they're investigating everything Trump.
    I doubt it.Watch it fade like the winter sun.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Newsweek story.
    “Story regarding the terrorist Stephen Paddock doesn't add up,” Irma Hinojosa, a conservative internet personality and self-described nationalist, writes on Twitter. “ISIS says he's their soldier, FBI says no terrorist connections, ANTIFA paraphernalia allegedly found but rest assured celebrities, democrats, & the left are calling for #GunControlNow because the narrative must go on.”

    Newsweek asked Hinojosa what, exactly, "antifa" ("anti-fascist") paraphernalia entails, or what it might look like in someone’s hotel room, and she clarified to say that it was “just antifa literature,” and noted that she said “allegedly.” She declined an opportunity to comment on it further. Her post had been retweeted over 850 times as of Tuesday afternoon.

    An anonymous anti-Semitic account posted a picture of Paddock and wrote that he was a “Left wing, Anti Trump, Antifa, Democrat.” In a reply, the same user wrote: “Paddock looks like a Jew.” The post had been retweeted close to 1,800 times as of Tuesday afternoon.

    Another Twitter user attempted to link Paddock to former President Barack Obama, as well as antifa.

    “Reports are saying that Steven Paddock & Mari Lou Danley are Hillary and Obama supporters who also support Antifa,” an anonymous account called @basedStickPanda writes.

    People are sharing one particular link from a website called with the headline, “FBI: Antifa Las Vegas Shooting ‘Act Of War’ On America.”

    “Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, was an Antifa member who was also linked with ISIS, according to an FBI agent involved in storming the 64-year-old domestic terrorist’s hotel room,” the article begins. “Contrary to mainstream media reports, the Las Vegas shooter did not commit suicide after firing bullets into the crowd, but was actually killed by FBI agents, who also found Antifa literature after they stormed his room, according to FBI sources.”
    GRA:Just saw this story in my email.Fits with my theory pretty well.
    ---GR Anonymous

  4. NBC has come up with a narrative.Believe it or not.
    NBC-WASHINGTON — Marilou Danley, the woman investigators hoped would provide key details into the motive behind her boyfriend's deadly shooting attack, said she remembers him exhibiting symptoms such as lying in bed and moaning, according to two former FBI officials who have been briefed on the matter.

    "She said he would lie in bed, just moaning and screaming, 'Oh, my God,'" one of the former officials said.

    The other former official said Danley spoke about Paddock displaying "mental health symptoms."

    Investigators believe Stephen Paddock, who claimed nearly 60 lives and injured hundreds more in Las Vegas on Sunday, may have been in physical or mental anguish, the sources said.

    Related: Las Vegas Gunman's Girlfriend Marilou Danley Says She Had No Idea

    But so far the FBI has not identified a clear motive, said two FBI officials. And they do not believe Paddock's mental health had deteriorated to a point that would have triggered him to commit such an act.
    GRA:So here we are,having to decide whether NBC,as a conduit for the left,is telling the truth.Would they EVER admit that Paddock was anti-white,anti-Trump?As they say,not on your life.
    --GR Anonymous
