Thursday, September 07, 2017

Delay, Delay, Delay: Doesn’t Anyone Care Any More about Serving Justice? (The Papa John’s Murder)


War crime victim Gordon Schaffer

By David in TN
Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 12:25:00 A.M. EDT

Today I went by the Circuit Court Office in Columbia, Tennessee. I was (again) checking on the Gordon Schaeffer murder in the Papa John's murder case. Jury selection was supposed to start on Wednesday, June 28.

I was informed the trial has been postponed. I've lost count of how many times the trial of Darious Fitzpatrick had been delayed. What is it, six postponements?

I was told the date for the trial is now October 16, but this date is also "tentative."

Darious Fitzpatrick shot and killed Gordon Schaffer at around 10 pm on the night of October 20, 2014. It was supposedly captured on surveillance video. If this date by some miracle holds up, it will be three years since the murder. And it appears to be open and shut.

There are two more defendants whose progress through the system doesn't seem to have even begun.

There is still a news blackout. To find out what's going on, I have to go to the courthouse every few months.

N.S. I apologize to my friend and partner-in-crime, David in TN, for not publishing this report when he posted it. I read it at the time, but …

Things I’ve written since David’s report have me convinced that many prosecutors’ offices have been as corrupted as defense attorneys. The common denominator: anti-justice law schools.


War criminal Darious Fitzpatrick, though only 17 at the time of the war crime in 2014, was already a violent career criminal with several felony convictions as a juvenile; his example is spurring calls for juvenile justice reform in Tennessee. I did not refer to Fitzpatrick as a "suspected war criminal," because he has confessed that he shot to kill Gordon Schaffer, even though it took him several shots to hit his victim.

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“War Crime Follow-Up: The Papa John’s Murder in Columbia, Tennessee”;

“Juveniles Tried as Adults for Murder Not Unusual in Maury County, TN”;

“Exclusive Update on the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaeffer”;

“Papa John's CEO Attends Funeral of Employee Shot Dead by Robbers While Working at the Popular Pizza Chain - and Pays for his Service and Medical Expenses”;

WEJB/NSU Exclusive: Update on the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaffer; are Tennessee Officials Dragging Their Feet, in Order to Quietly Thwart Justice, in the Case of Suspect Darious Fitzpatrick?” [Racist, black court worker];

“Update on the Racist, ‘Papa John’s’ Murder of Gordon Schaffer”;

“The Hate Crime ‘Papa John’s’ Murder of Gordon Schaffer: A Status Update”;

“Third Suspect Arrested in 2014 Papa John’s Murder Racist Hate Crime”;

“Things are Moving (Finally!) in the Racist Papa John’s Murder of White Counter Clerk, Gordon Shaffer (Update)”;

“Remember the Papa John’s Murder of Gordon Schaffer in Columbia, Tennessee? WEJB/NSU’s David in TN is Still on the Case! (Update)”;

“Judge to Observer in Empty Courtroom: ‘Do you have any business?’: Racist MSM Continue to Maintain News Blackout of the Hate Crime Murder of Papa John’s Clerk Gordon Schaffer, but WEJB/NSU’s Heroic David in TN Continues to Bear Witness!”]

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