Saturday, April 01, 2017

Tawana Brawley Finally Apologized for Her 1987 Rape Hoax!

By Nicholas Stix

April Fool’s!

1 comment:

  1. Lesta Holt Fired by NBC for being,"too racist."
    NBC's news division announced the immediate removal of "Nightly News" anchor Lester Holt for "failing to provide fair,objective news coverage in many areas that NBC found lacking.This includes politics,black crime/lifestyle,white law enforcement officers and in general...being too racist.
    We apologize to our viewers.A review of the last year of Mr.Holt's broadcasts were reviewed and found to be very troubling--by our newly hired consultant,Pat Buchanan.Further investigation and feedback brought us to the conclusion that Mr.Holt was perpetrating a racist black agenda on our viewers.This is unacceptable for a network that has had legendary anchors of objectivity in the past.
    We will also strive to get to that level of greatness again by firing Miguel Almaguer,Rahema Ellis,Ron Mott,Christine Welker for starters.
    A search for a permanent anchor will begin immediately.Once again,our apologies to America."
    Definitely--April Fools.
    ---GR Anonymous
