Saturday, November 26, 2016

Statement by President-Elect Donald Trump on Green Party Candidate Jill Stein’s Calls for Recounts in Select States Won by Trump



  1. Didn't the lefty bolshevik want Trump to pledge he would graciously honor the election results?

  2. They are going to do the recount in Wisconsin. If in favor of Clinton then they will do a recount in Michigan and Pennsylvania? Clinton would win the electoral college if she got those three states in her column. Of course understand that any recount WILL ALWAYS GO IN FAVOR OF CLINTON! You can expect it.

  3. That's not the point of the recount.The purpose for Stein (and HRC and Soros)doing this,is to cause the 3 states involved to lose out on Electoral College rights.
    Stein wants a handcount,which if indications by political analysis from around the country matter,would not be completed in time for the Electoral College vote.
    Theoretically,Wisconsin,Michigan and Pennsylvania would not finish tabulating their final tallies in time,to be legally authorized to disperse their electoral votes.This would reduce Trumps total to either slightly above or below 270.Toss in the renegade electors and it's possible NEITHER candidate has enough electoral votes to become the next POTUS.
    This then goes to the Republican controlled House--who would decide the presidency...and if you think the Republicans will fall in line behind Trump like sheep,consider this:
    There are many anti-Trump people in the establishment world.Many Republicans
    endorsed Hillary Clinton.Why would they not vote for her in this instance? Especially if...
    ...the corruption and bribery of votes by Soros and the like,materializes to the extent I imagine.It would be beyond belief.These are not honest men and women in the first place.They've already been corrupted by power and money.It would be a snap to get Ryan and Jason Chaffee to vote Democratic--for the good of the country of course.Others were outspoken against Trump as well,pre-election.A large deposit in an offshore account would make the decision easy for these lowlife politicians to vote against Trump.
    So that's the true reason for this recount.Not the votes.It's delay,delay,delay--and then bribe.
    ---GR Anonymous

  4. Since Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton have joined together,I think Mary Shelley(or a long lost relative)should officially pen the newest name in monsters.Okay,I 'll do it:
    (coming soon to a state near you,if you live near Michigan,Wisconsin or Pennsylvania).

    "It's not afraid of fire--it's afraid of being FIRED"--Donald Trump
    "A scary plot,that seems like real life."--Ivanka Trump
    "More horrifying than anything ever written before."--William Peter Blatty
    Rated PG (for Politically Grafted)
    --GR Anonymous

  5. Jill Stein officially filed for a recount in Michigan today.As of now,Clinton has not joined the frey,as she has in Wisconsin.President-elect Trump,has 7 days to file an appeal.According to voting officials,they"hope to have the votes counted by December 10th",3 days ahead of the date listed as the final cutoff for recounts,prior to the Electoral College meeting on Dec 19th.
    It's unknown to me,if a Trump appeal would delay the actual tallying of the states votes (doubt it).
    CLINTONSTEIN may not make its way to Michigan...unless Wisconsin's recount shows sizable gains.Michigan went for Trump by only 10,000 votes--the least amount of votes of all the states in the recount parade.
    --GR Anonymous

  6. That's what I know.Trump filed an appeal in Michigan,which WILL delay the start of counting until the appeal is ruled on.The counting was to have begun on Saturday and completed by Dec 10th.The deadline date is Dec 13th--as given by the Electoral College.
    How long it takes to rule on this challenge will determine any further delay time.
    If Trump wins the appeal--no recount.If not--does it carry the recount past the Dec 13th deadline?And what are the ramifications of that?
    I personally wonder why Trump challenged the recount--but we'll find out if any of alternative outcomes (like electoral votes not getting counted if states recount is not completed by Dec 19th)takes place.
    --GR Anonymous
