Monday, January 11, 2016

MSM and Pols Disrespect Nation of Islam Cop-Killer, the Min. Louis Farrakhan, by Refusing to Give Him Credit for the Shooting of White Philly Cop, Officer Jesse Hartnett, by Black Muslim, Edward Archer

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Remember the Nation of Islam (Zebra) Murders!”;

“Louis Farrakhan’s Murder of New York City Police Department Officer Philip Cardillo”; and

“Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam Mosque Ambush Murder of White NYPD Cop Philip Cardillo is in the News Again, as Racist Black CB 10 Chairwoman Lyle Sandbags Cop Trying to Get Harlem Street Named After Cardillo; Fox News Bars All Commenting on Story!”.]

Farrakhan and the Philly Police Shooting: Why Hide His Light Beneath a Basket?
By Colin Flaherty
January 11, 2016
American Thinker

The Reverend Louis Farrakhan has to be pissed off. Even more than usual.
Edward Archer, a follower of Farrakhan's teachings, received international attention for gunning down a cop in Philadelphia in the name of Allah.

But Farrakhan got no props. Nothing.

Farrakhan has worked as hard as anyone to preach racial hostilityand resentment against white people and cops in America. Just a few months ago, Farrakhan told a gathering at a packed Baptist Church about how he wanted to find 10,000 black men to "rise up and kill those who kill us."

He of course was talking about "the enemy" who has oppressed black people for "400 years." He went on to say how the Koran "prescribed" black people to take violent action against those who enslaved them – white people and cops, his favorite targets.

All he needed was a few more black men who realized that "death is sweeter than life under tyranny" to get the ball rolling.

It's an old problem for all faiths: everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Then Archer showed up, turned 10,000 to 9,999, and reporters and public officials could not be bothered to recognize Farrakhan for his important contribution.

Like the Philly gunman, Farrakhan is down with ISIS. He even brags about it: ISIS wants "America to send some troops back so they can send them back in body bags," Farrakhan said in October in a speech that Breitbart, but few others, followed. "The world has taken enough of America's evil. So death is sweeter to some than continuing to live under white supremacy and under tyranny."

Then Philadelphia happened: A black man, a devout Moslem, was wearing Moslem garb when he ambushed a white cop in a black neighborhood and shot at him 13 times. Hitting him thrice.

Soon after, Archer told the police he did it for Islam, in the name of ISIS. He did not mention Farrakhan, but he did not have to, any more than a killer singing "Strangers in the Night" would have to say he heard it from Sinatra.

America's most famous Moslem has been saying that often and a lot: ISIS good. White supremacy bad. Not sure why anyone would be surprised when someone like Archer listens.

Archer's brother said he was angry at how white police treated black people. Apparently, they were picking on them all the time for no reason whatsoever.

That's Farrakhan talking. Not ISIS.

But none of that mattered to the mayor of Philadelphia and a legion of local and national media. They all pretend Farrakhan is just another angry and ineffectual black man of the Lord, and after all, they do come in handy once in a while.

So they ignore him or pretend not to know what he means. The same way reporters ignored Black Lives Matter when they chanted, "What do want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now" or "Pigs in a blanket. Fry 'em like bacon."
First in line to ignore Farrakhan was the new mayor of Philadelphia, who denied that the killer had anything to do with the religion of peace. "It is abhorrent," said Mayor Jim Kenney. "It does not represent the religion in any shape or form or any of the teachings."

The mayor of Baltimore had no problem acknowledging Farrakhan and his followers.

After the recent Baltimore riots, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake thanked "the Nation of Islam, who has been very present in our effort to keep calm and peace in our city."

The Nation of Islam of was there during the riots. No one disputes that.

The Nation of Farrakhan gets similar access and respect and public acknowledgement in other Chocolate Cities around the country.

But acknowledging everything Farrakhan did and said to encourage a shooter like Archer? Not a word.

Instead, one outlet after another trotted out its experts on ISIS to discuss whether this was some kind of new front in the international war on terror.

Congressman Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, told Gretchen Carlson the shooter was acting on orders from ISIS.

On CNN, another expert explained how this shooting all stemmed from a 2013 sermon at a mosque in Kabul.

But nothing about all the words coming from Farrakhan's mansion in Chicago.
Dang – the guy just cannot catch a break.

Colin Flaherty is the author of the Amazon #1 bestseller Don't Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization. He was recently named one of the Top Ten Culture Warriors of 2015 by WND.

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