Monday, January 11, 2016

Brooklyn Park Gang Rape Recalls Central Park Jogger Attack; 4 Suspects in Police Custody; Black Supremacist (Suspected NOI) Borough President, Who Supported Central Park Attackers, and Spent Years Handcuffing Police, Condemns Cops for Not Acting More Aggressively


"The NYPD released surveillance footage from a nearby deli that captures the group of men suspected of raping an 18-year-old girl at a Brooklyn playground Thursday."

[Previously, by Nicholas Stix:

“‘It Was Fun’—Robert K. Tanenbaum vs. the Central Park Five, 25 Years Later”;

“Ken Burns’ The Central Park Five: The New To Kill a Mockingbird—Fiction Designed to Induce White Guilt”;

“Legal Legend Michael Armstrong Demolishes Lies of the Central Park Five Hoax”; and

“The Report That Ken Burns Doesn’t Want You to Read: The Armstrong Report on the Central Park Five’s Many Violent Crimes, and Matias Reyes.”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher RC for this story.

4 suspects in Brooklyn park gang rape in police custody
By Edgar Sandoval, Ryan Sit, Thomas Tracy, Reuven Blau
Updated: 01/11/2016 7:27 AM ET
New York Daily News

Four of the five fiends — all teens — accused of gang-raping an 18-year-old woman in a Brooklyn park were in police custody Sunday evening, authorities said.

Two of the boys are 15, one is 14 and one 17, according to police. The boys were being interviewed by cops after two were brought in by their mothers. The other two were apprehended.

None of the suspects had been charged early Monday, and one remained at large.

A bodega clerk on Sunday said he turned away the victim’s father when the man asked to use the store’s phone to call 911 moments after he and his daughter were set upon in the Osborn Playground in Brownsville.

The Gaston deli staffer, who gave his name as Sammy, said he didn’t believe the man’s story.

“He looked normal. He didn’t look nervous or desperate,” the clerk recalled.


Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams (c.) is questioning why the NYPD were so slow to respond to the report of an 18-year-old girl being raped at Osborn Playground on Thursday. (Debbie Egan-Chin/New York Daily News)

“A lot of people come here asking to use the phone. I feel bad now knowing why he needed the phone.”

The rebuffed father flagged down two cops in uniform outside, authorities said. He told them he was walking with his daughter when five suspects approached them about 9:10 p.m. Thursday. One pulled a gun and ordered the man to leave. The five creeps then raped the woman, according to cops.

“She’s OK,” the victim’s mother said. “I want them to get caught and go to jail for a long time. I feel bad, horrible.”

Police released surveillance video Saturday of the group walking into a nearby deli before the attack. “They looked happy,” a clerk at that deli told The News. “They are bad guys.”

Officials were appalled.

“I am disgusted and deeply saddened by the horrific attack that took place in Brownsville Thursday evening,” Mayor de Blasio said, vowing authorities would “take every step possible” to solve and prosecute the case.

“We have been working closely with the NYPD to bring the violent sexual predators who committed this horrific gang rape to justice and will not stop until every one of them is held accountable,” said Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson.

Speaking outside the 73rd Precinct stationhouse, community activist Tony Herbert said, “You cannot rape a young lady in our community and think you’re going to get away with it. I don’t care how old you are.”


"One worker at the nearby deli said the five suspects walked into the store and acted happy."

"Police are looking for a group of five suspects who raped an 18-year-old girl on a Brooklyn playground." [Daily News editors obviously failed to update this caption from an earlier story.]

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams questioned why it took cops two days to notify the public and community leaders about the attack. “Something is not right,” he said. “The community needs to be notified immediately when we have such a savage attack with a handgun and a rape,” he said.

[Eric Adams has reaped what he sowed. He was a cop for app. 20 years, who only joined the NYPD, in order to infiltrate and undermine it, on behalf of colored criminals. In fact, far from being tough on rapists, he was, with fellow black supremacists Bill Perkins and Elombe Brath, one of the original leading supporters of the racist, teenaged, black and Hispanic thugs who sexually molested and beat white Trisha Meili, then known as the Central Park Jogger, within an inch of her life. Adams helped ultimately get the attackers’ convictions “vacated” (not “exonerated,” as their supporters so often claim), and got them $40 million from New York City taxpayers, as a reward for their crime. Thus, Adams’ current attacks on the NYPD are simply more of his lifelong cop-baiting, and have nothing to do with any concern for the gang-rape victim. If anything, he will be looking opportunities to help the rapists.

In a similar vein, in 2001, my good friend, Cincinnati black supremacist, the Rev. Damon Lynch III helped incite black riots in the Queen City. First, the Rev. Lynch condemned the police for being overly aggressive. So, they backed off, and he condemned them for being insufficiently aggressive. Black supremacists’ criticisms of the police are meaningless, except as expressions of racist hatred, and support of colored criminals.

In 2002, the Rev. Lynch e-mailed me, “Nick you have a lot of anger misconceptions and hatred. I’m sorry justice is such a foreign concept. I wish you well in your struggle.”

Adams was ultimately either fired (the official story) or resigned (his story) in disgrace. I suspect Adams of being a closet member of the Bowtie Brigade, aka the murderous Nation of Islam.]

He also said it wouldn’t have taken that long to garner headlines if the attack had occurred on the Upper East Side.

[On the Upper East Side, people cooperate with the police, rather than cooperating with colored cut-throats, and they do not tolerate racist, rogue cops like Eric Adams. Adams should be commending the people and the police of the Upper East Side, rather than condemning them.]

Cops, criticized for a slow response, said there was no delay.

“The police officers immediately responded and located the victim,” the NYPD said. “The suspects had already fled. ... There were no 911 calls associated with the attack.”

Detectives were not immediately able to interview the victim, a police source said. She first needed treatment for unspecified existing medical conditions, as well as the wounds she suffered during the sadistic attack, the source said.

The woman was initially combative, refusing an EMS exam and hospital transport, the source said, adding she also tried to leave the ambulance and bit a police officer.

With John Annese

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