Monday, November 24, 2014

The GOP: Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory… Again! The Solution is to Fight the National Party and Obama on the State Level (Daniel Horowitz)


Capocons John McCain and Jeff Flake

The GOP's Insanely Backwards Reaction to Obama
By Daniel Horowitz
November 24th, 2014
Conservative Review

After last week’s unprecedented events surrounding Obama’s usurpation of federal power, it’s hard to determine which is more shocking: the impudence of the executive amnesty or the GOP’s feeble response.

To the extent that there is any passion or sense of urgency in the Republican response, it is directed at conservatives.  They want to ensure that their base doesn’t “overreact” to Obama nullifying our immigration laws and permanently changing our borders, sovereignty, culture, and welfare state with the stroke of a pen. 

What about their response to Obama?              

They felt so passionate about it that they responded by leaving town until December 1, providing Obama with the last word on the crisis before Thanksgiving.

They felt so passionate about it that they responded by leaving town until December 1, providing Obama with the last word on the crisis before Thanksgiving. 

Instead of uniting behind using the power of the purse to put an end to this madness and “get right” with 80% of the American people, Republicans are now focusing on paying Obama’s ransom.  From Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake to Mike Simpson and Thad Cochran, establishment Republicans are plotting a strategy to pass piecemeal amnesty in order to beg Obama to back off of executive amnesty.

Meanwhile, they are encouraging conservatives to respond maturely and not “take the bait” by doing something that would actually confront this rogue president.  Instead, they are admonishing us about the need to focus on corporate tax “reform.” 

It’s akin to telling someone who’s home is about to be set ablaze to continue working on other tasks and not get sidetracked dealing with the arsonist.  Then again, we are beyond the point where metaphors can even capture the depths of absurdity and the scope of political malpractice on the part of Republicans.  We are beyond 1984 where the opposition party turned out to be illusory.               

In a sane world, House Republicans would return from their endless vacations and reconvene a special session on the constitutional crisis.

In a sane world, House Republicans would return from their endless vacations and reconvene a special session on the constitutional crisis.  They would censure this president and declare the entire executive order null and void.  But most importantly, they would prohibit all funding for the numerous applications and processes that would be required to implement this coup, and attach it to the relevant funding mechanism for the government.  If Obama is willing to shut down the government in order to fund something that is not only destructive and unpopular, but unlawful, that is his problem. 

Sadly, we don’t live in a sane world and if Republicans came back to town they would probably pass some shiny objects short of defund, and proceed with piecemeal amnesty bills.

So what is the remedy?  What is the recourse? 

Many conservatives said that we just needed to work harder to win elections. Well, we did.  And immediately after a spectacular electoral victory, leadership in both parties have not only countermanded the mandate from the election, they have buried our constitutional form of government.  Never has a losing party acted so defiant and lawless this quickly after an election.  Yet, never has the winning party been this conciliatory and complicit in the malfeasance. 

Unless someone has a better idea, it is quite evident that the states are the only remedy for a lawless oligarchy in Washington.

In the long-run, we need to use the numerous GOP-controlled state legislative chambers to push through enduring safeguards against the type of incorrigible and irrevocable tyranny we are witnessing in Washington.

In the long-run, we need to use the numerous GOP-controlled state legislative chambers to push through enduring safeguards against the type of incorrigible and irrevocable tyranny we are witnessing in Washington.  It would require using the Constitution itself to amendment the Constitution via Article 5 conventions along the lines of what Mark Levin has proposed.  And no, this is not a “constitutional convention,” whereby the constitution is up for grabs.  It is a convention only for the purpose of introducing constitutional amendments, which would then have to be ratified by ¾ of the states.  This is no different from the power Congress already has.  States have the power too and need to use it.

Besides, what we’ve had over the past six years in Washington, and to some extent, over the past century, is a de facto constitutional convention – except that is has been illegal. 

In the short-run, we must work with conservatives in each state legislative body to push back against the lawlessness, especially as it relates to recognizing Obama’s amnesty on a state level.

These are the only ideas we are left to pursue.  Or we can just try to win another election. 

Daniel Horowitz is Senior Editor of Conservative Review. Follow him on twitter @RMConservative.

1 comment:

  1. We need to encourage governors to announce that they will pardon any U.S. citizen who commits a crime against an illegal alien. Police will not expend resources investigating such crimes. When possible, crime scenes will be cleaned and washed before the Feds send anyone in to do civil rights investigations. If the Feds want the crimes investigated, they have to do so entirely on their own, without any help form state-level police.

    And the governors will determine whom they consider to be an illegal alien.

    Prosecutorial discretion works both ways.
