Monday, November 24, 2014

Bill Cosby: A Pattern Emerges (Investigative Coverage)

By Nicholas Stix

A friend writes,

I purchased the printed edition of yesterday’s WP just for this in-depth investigative coverage (four reporters and more interviews with victims). The spread contains a timeline, photos of Cosby from his Playboy days, photos of his victims, and etc. It starts on page one and continues to 4 inside pages.
[eighth paragraph] “The allegations are strung together by perceptible patterns that appear and reappear with remarkable consistency: mostly young, white women without family nearby; drugs offered as palliatives; resistance and pursuit; accusers worrying that no one would believe them; lifelong trauma. There is also a pattern of intense response by Cosby’s team of attorneys and publicists, who have used the media and the courts to attack the credibility of his accusers.”

In the Washington Post.

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