Thursday, July 17, 2014

“People,” Sung by Barbra Streisand, Versions from My Name is Barbra and Funny Girl (1965 and 1968)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

“People,” by Jule Stein and Bob Merrill, from the show and movie Funny Girl, was Streisand’s first monster hit. It sold a couple million records, and has been plenty parodied since, but it’s all Barbra, and undeniable in its power to those who were either new to the Streisand phenomenon, or who came along later, and were able to compartmentalize the natural repulsion that people have learned to have for her.

This version is from the 1965 TV special, My Name is Barbra. It has some kinks that she later ironed out.


Here is the standard version from her single, likely from the movie version of Funny Girl, although the posters at the opening are from the Broadway show. I don’t know who is behind this Youtube “channel,” which says, “Welcome to my channel, dedicated to the one and only Barbra Streisand,” but it looks to be a very ambitious undertaking, and this is the most beautiful Streisand Youtube video I’ve yet seen.


Upload by BarbraTV.

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