Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Real Puppeteer Behind “Immigration Reform”: George Soros

George Soros: Is this Hungarian Jew the leader of Evangelical America? Full disclosure: I, too, am a Hungarian (and Russian, German, Irish and Canadian) Jew. However, I have never set myself up as the leader of America’s Evangelical Christians. But if George Soros can do it, maybe I ought to give it a shot, too! After all, I'm probably friendlier to Evangelical doctrine than many of the denomination's Christian and gentile "leaders."

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Immigration Enthusiast Evangelicals Squirming After Soros, Treason Lobby Funding Revealed
By Cecilia Davenport
July 1, 2013, 11:49 p.m.

Much as the Establishment GOP has betrayed its base time and again over the National Question, some American evangelical leaders have betrayed their congregations by shilling for the Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill. Recently, VDARE.com’s Allan Wall has noted that the so-called Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), a conglomeration of denomination preachers (a few) bureaucrats (a lot), activists, university officials and authors, is literally a front for the George Soros-funded National Immigration Forum.

[Read the whole thing.]

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