Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Black American Leadership Alliance has Announced a July 15 March on Washington Against Amnesty!

Posted by Nicholas Stix
Updated at 9:23 p.m.

Thanks to my good buddy Glaivester, for the sendalong.

P.S.: The need to stop the illegal alien amnesty/immigration surge bill dead in its tracks is a case in which there is no conflict whatsoever between the interests of black and white Americans. And yet, almost all well-known black leaders respected by the treason media are completely in the bag for this nation-breaking bill. That is because they hate whites more than they love blacks. Unlike the media-anointed “black leadership,” the patriotic black immigration group below actually cares about American blacks, and understands the concept of enlightened self-interest.

The Black American Leadership Alliance’s Facebook page, where you can "like" them.

Link to the march’s announcement: July 15 march on Washington against amnesty.

Published on Jul 1, 2013 (Youtube text)

Join us in Washington D.C. Monday July 15, 2013 for the Black American Leadership Alliance "D.C. March for Jobs" and against the Gang of 8's immigration bill. This bill will result in making it even more difficult for the millions of unemployed/underemployed American citizens affected by our current economic situation, to find gainful employment. This bill penalizes those individuals who have come here, followed the rules, waited their turn, and legally and lawfully reside within this country, awaiting their opportunity to become American citizens according to current immigration laws. The bill further weakens national security by turning a blind eye to, and/or forgiving crimes like identity theft, fraud, social security fraud, and forgery, as well as the deliberate falsification of government documents for personal gain, and /or to illegally obtain, food stamps, medical services, employment, educational, and social welfare benefits, etc. all paid for by OUR tax dollars!

We MUST focus first on securing our borders! No amnesty for illegal's. NO Gang of 8's immigration quid pro qua DEALS with other politicians, state or federal until we have put all American citizens who need and want jobs back to work, secured our boarders, and stopped the current flow of illegal aliens, as well as the crimes committed as a result of not having had secure borders for decades.

Rewarding illegal actions only serves to encourage more of the same! Granting amnesty for illegals currently within our country tells them, and indeed the world, once again that the United States enforces its laws, but only when it is convenient for "some politicians" to do so. Unemployed/underemployed American citizens need jobs! Tell Congress secure borders can't wait! Ditch the gang of 8!

1 comment:

  1. And if you want to show some monetary love, go here (they posted the link on their Facebook Page):

