Friday, July 05, 2013

Joseph Farah: Obama and the Democratic Party are Purposely Destroying America’s Economy and Culture

Posted by Nicholas Stix

I have to say that I’m disappointed in Joe Farah. I was expecting an indictment of both sides of our ruling elites, but instead got only GOP talking points. WND reprinted this, as if it were a classic commentary when, in actuality, it is Farah on a bad day.

The intentional destruction of America
Exclusive: Joseph Farah believes leaders are purposely destroying economy, culture

Originally published on June 26, 2009
By Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service.. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies.

(Editor’s note: Back on June 26, 2009, WND founder and columnist Joseph Farah said something that is becoming a familiar refrain from other commentators today. Here it is, again.)

It’s time for Americans to consider a very scary possibility – that the president of the United States and the Congress are actually embarked on an intentional plan to destroy most everything that throughout history made the country great and unique.

Could it be that the sweeping, wholesale policy changes we have seen implemented and begun in the last six months are not just “mistakes” or the results of miscalculations? Could it be that the clear intent is to bring America down – and that those controlling America’s political future know exactly what they are doing? Could it be that those holding the levers of power in Washington are not just ill-equipped for their jobs and making bad choices, but that they are determined to destroy America’s economy and culture because they don’t like it, never liked it and wish to see our nation operate more like the rest of the world?

Personally, I’m there. I’ve been there. There is not a doubt in my mind that people like Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the like [N.S.: What about the Republicans?!] just plain think differently than, say, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison – not to mention me.

The contrast in worldviews couldn’t be any more striking.

The Founding Fathers, who gave us the greatest experiment in liberty the world has ever known did so by removing the shackles from the people and placing them on the government. They did so because they believed human beings are accountable ultimately to God, from whom our natural rights and responsibilities descended. They sought to strictly limit the powers of government, which had, just as they had throughout history and just as God told us they would in the book of Samuel, result in the oppression of the people.

Meanwhile, what do Obama and company offer? They offer servitude to the state under the guise of “security.”

The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are being actively and openly dismantled as the guiding principles of American government.

Sovereignty and independence? We’re told today by Obama and company that we live in an “interdependent” world and that we need to be accountable to “the community of nations.” That’s just a euphemism for dependence and life in an unaccountable global tyranny – where what you think is not nearly as important as what their elite friends think.

The rule of law? We’re told today by Obama and company that the Constitution doesn’t mean what it says. It’s a “living document” that needs to be constantly reinterpreted in different times. That’s not the rule of law. That’s the rule of men – or, more precisely, the rule of high priests in black robes who are not accountable to either the will of the people or the rule of law.

Are your shackles being removed by Obama and company? Are you more or less free today than you were before the massive debt burden was placed on you and your descendants? Are you more of less prosperous? Ask yourself if government has been more empowered or less empowered by their actions? Is there any doubt?

Maybe most Americans don’t realize this simple equation: That when government gains power, the people lose liberty. But there is not a doubt in my mind that Obama and company understand that principle very well – even if they don’t articulate it openly.

What we are witnessing today is perhaps the greatest power grab in the history of America – where power is being taken from the people and usurped by government.

Are we to assume that this is the result of miscalculation or ignorance? That would be even more insulting to Obama and company than the simple recognition that they actually believe in what they are doing – that their actions are intentional, that they are actively and with forethought and planning dismantling the institutions and ideas that made American great and unique.


  1. Don't get on Farah's case too much. He's letting Colin Flaherty have his run of the joint over at WND exposing the Mahogany Mobs. And WND today is a big improvement over the way WND used to be.

  2. Farah is publishing Brimelow.

    WND has millions more readers than does VDARE.

    WND is acting as a "force multiplier" for immigration reform.

    This is great news.
