Friday, July 05, 2013

Does Michael Savage Suffer from a Mental Disorder? Talk Radio Host Hops Aboard Trayvon Martin Bandwagon

Posted by Nicholas Stix

People who have been calling for George Zimmerman’s conviction for killing Trayvon Martin routinely misrepresent the facts of the case. Talk radio host and author Michael Savage is no different.

Savage: “I think Zimmerman committed what he’s being charged with: manslaughter. He didn’t intend to kill him, but he may as well have intended to kill him.”

George Zimmerman is being charged with second-degree murder, not manslaughter. The jury has the option of convicting him for manslaughter, but that is another matter entirely.

Savage: “Zimmerman was carrying a Kel Tec semi-automatic 9mm handgun. So? Big deal. It is a big deal because he had a bullet chambered in the gun and he had the safety off… Had he not chambered a round prior to meeting Trayvon, and had he not taken the safety off, even if Trayvon, during the altercation even if Trayvon had tried to grab the gun away from Zimmerman… had that gun not been chambered with a round and safety off, Trayvon Martin would have had to use two hands. You can’t do it with one hand.”

A Kel Tec 9mm semi-automatic has no safety, and had Zimmerman not had a round in the chamber, there would now be no trial because Trayvon Martin would have completed his intended act of murdering George Zimmerman.

Building on his misrepresentation of Zimmerman’s weapon and condemnation of Zimmerman for having a round in the chamber, Savage comes up with a surreal scenario in which Martin is reliant on shooting Zimmerman to kill him, and the out-of-shape, beaten-to-hell Zimmerman was some sort of paunchy, Hispanic Bruce Lee, “during which time the mixed-martial-artist-in-training Mr. Zimmerman would have had time to throw him off and pound the hell out of him.”

George Zimmerman was taking classes in mixed martial arts, in order to get in shape, and combat insomnia. He was not a mixed-martial-artist-in-training, and his teacher had adjudged him to lack talent in martial arts, unlike Trayvon Martin, for whom committing violence was a way of life.

Savage: “He wasn’t just carrying a gun, he wasn’t just a watch guy: He was hunting. He was looking, he was hoping to find someone he could shoot or intimidate with that loaded weapon, ladies and gentlemen of the Savage jury.

There is no evidence to support this speculation, which would demand a charge of Murder One, and which also contradicts Savage’s claim, “He didn’t intend to kill him.”

Savage: “[Z]immerman says the back entrance and under his breath, he can be heard saying ‘f-ing,’ and the first word is ‘f—ing;’ the second word begins with a ‘c’ and ends with ‘ns,’” Savage said. “I didn’t make that up. It’s on the 911 tape.

He did make that up. First of all, none of the above is on a 911 tape, because George Zimmerman did not call 911 prior to shooting Martin. He called a non-emergency number. And Zimmerman did not say (after “f-----g”) a word that started “with a ‘c’ and ends with ‘ns.’” Savage is trying to rescucitate CNN’s blood libel, which claimed Zimmerman had said “f-----g coons,” when he had said “f-----g punks.” The word Zimmerman used does not sound at all like “coons.”

Savage: “And I’m afraid that the fact that he has this racist statement — made this racist statement on the 911 call — and that he was carry a loaded gun with a bullet in the chamber and the safety off, you have to find this man guilty of second-degree manslaughter is my opinion. Something’s wrong with this whole story.”

Now, Savage has changed Zimmerman’s charge to second-degree manslaughter. I could not any such charge in the Florida statutes, but in any event, Zimmerman faces no such charge, just as he made no “racist statement.”

Something is indeed wrong with this whole story.

I have never listened Michel Savage, nor have I read any of his books, and have no idea what is motivating him. I know that he is famous for calling liberalism “a mental disorder.” I only know that he is being reckless and dishonest with another man’s life and liberty, in parroting liberal misrepresentations.

* * *
Michael Savage on George Zimmerman: “You have to find this man guilty”
By Jeff Poor
July 4, 2013, 11:04 A.M.
The Daily Caller

On his show on Tuesday night, talk show host Michael Savage said that George Zimmerman, who is currently on trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin, should be found guilty of second-degree manslaughter based on two things: 1) The state of his firearm and 2) The language he allegedly used on a 911 call when he was first reporting his suspicions about Martin.

But first Savage explained why his insight should be valued over others in the media covering the trial.

“I’m about to break an analysis that no one yet in the media has done, as you would expect from me — being the senior member of the American media and possibly the most insightful,” Savage said. “And I have to blow my own horn because everyone else tries to break my horn.”

“I will tell you that I broke the case down as follows,” Savage continued. “You want to hear it, or don’t you want to hear it? I know your mind is made up: White people generally think Zimmerman is innocent, except for liberals who are sure he is guilty; black people probably to the 99th percentile are sure Zimmerman’s a murderer. So where does Michael Savage fit in? I’m an independent observer and I call them as I see them, and I think Zimmerman committed what he’s being charged with: manslaughter. He didn’t intend to kill him, but he may as well have intended to kill him.”

Savage laid out his case, saying that the murder could have been avoided, but based on Zimmerman’s gun having a round in the chamber with the safety off, Zimmerman intended “to find some he could shoot or intimidate.”

“Zimmerman was carrying a Kel Tec semi-automatic 9mm handgun,” Savage said. “So? Big deal. It is a big deal because he had a bullet chambered in the gun and he had the safety off… Had he not chambered a round prior to meeting Trayvon, and had he not taken the safety off, even if Trayvon, during the altercation even if Trayvon had tried to grab the gun away from Zimmerman — had that gun not been chambered with a round and safety off, Trayvon Martin would have had to use two hands. You can’t do it with one hand.”

“Many of you don’t own guns,” Savage said. “He would have had to let go of Zimmerman. He would have had to stop punching him. He would have had to take both hands on the gun, hold the pistol grip with one, pull the top back to chamber a round and then he would have had to unlock the safety, during which time the mixed-martial-artist-in-training Mr. Zimmerman would have had time to throw him off and pound the hell out of him. But because Zimmerman carried a loaded weapon with the safety off, Trayvon Martin is dead. Therefore, the responsibility is in the hands of Zimmerman.

“I don’t care which side you are on,” Savage continued. “He wasn’t just carrying a gun, he wasn’t just a watch guy: He was hunting. He was looking, he was hoping to find someone he could shoot or intimidate with that loaded weapon, ladies and gentlemen of the Savage jury.”

In addition to that, Savage said the controversial 911 call was also damning.

“[Z]immerman says the back entrance and under his breath, he can be heard saying ‘f-ing,’ and the first word is ‘f—ing;’ the second word begins with a ‘c’ and ends with ‘ns,’” Savage said. “I didn’t make that up. It’s on the 911 tape. And I’m afraid that the fact that he has this racist statement — made this racist statement on the 911 call — and that he was carry a loaded gun with a bullet in the chamber and the safety off, you have to find this man guilty of second-degree manslaughter is my opinion. Something’s wrong with this whole story.”

That 911 call was debated back in March and April 2012, with some saying Zimmerman said “fucking coon” and others saying it was “fucking cold” or “fucking punks.”

[This is irresponsible and cowardly on Jeff Poor’s part. “Some saying” is because they were lying. He makes it seem as if the matter were undecided and undecidable, and that men of good will were squaring off on both sides.]

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  1. Savage is indeed a crackpot. Had Saint Trayvon gotten hold of this pistol, whilst sitting atop Z-man, he would simply have used it as a bludgeon to speed the job he was doing with his hands. A couple good blows with that pistol and Z-man would have had his skull caved in and quickly expired without a shot being fired. Saint Trayvon would then be a murderous thug with a pistol.

    Stan D Mute

  2. Savage strikes me as a contrarian; that said, if I'm right, he's just saying this because everyone else on talk radio is saying that GZ isn't guilty. That and I think he's hedging his bets; if the jury finds GZ guilty, he'll do "nanny nanny boo boo" victory laps.

  3. round in the chamber and safety off????? round in the chamber is normal carry and he needs a new adviser about...guns the safety is internal ....needs to correct soon or lose all credibility with his core listeners...... wow what a f up on national radio its on tape he said the safety was off
