Thursday, May 09, 2013

Was Benghazi a CIA Gun-Running Operation?

Subject: BREAKING: Was Benghazi a CIA gun-running operation?
Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 19:56:54 -0500

Grassfire Update:

Dear ..........,

Today, House Speaker John Boehner declared that "Congress will continue to investigate" Benghazi. But will the real truth be allowed to surface?

In a riveting special report that more closely resembles a Hollywood script, Grassfire's official news division,, is suggesting -- among other things -- that Benghazi was actually a CIA gun-running operation for the Muslim Brotherhood and other insurgents fighting in Syria.

The report also alleges that the "con" is, in fact,
so deep that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and other members of Congress know the real facts, but they cannot and will not discuss it in public.

Instead, they're holding "show trials" to appease the public -- to give the impression that a thorough investigation is being done.
Meanwhile, the real truth and the real questions about Benghazi are going unanswered. Questions like: Where are the survivors and those who were evacuated? Why did the attackers know to attack the "Special Mission Benghazi Compound" and what were they after? dares to ask, "Was the CIA Annex being used to facilitate the flow of arms to Muslim Brotherhood insurgents to destabilize Middle East nations, and was Ambassador Chris Stevens involved?"

Roger, Grassfire is inviting key members of our team to click here to read this special report.

If, after you read it, you believe the American people are being lied to and deceived by the very people sworn to protect us, then take action in two important ways.

+ + Action Item #1: Add Your Name To The Petition Demanding The Truth About Benghazi

The only way the truth about Benghazi will surface is if grassroots Americans refuse to let the issue slip quietly into the night.

Go here to join with nearly 150,000 grassroots patriots who have signed the petition demanding the truth from the Obama administration about Benghazi:

Grassfire is committed to providing Americans with effective platforms to demand honesty and accountability from the Obama administration about the circumstances surrounding the murders of four Americans in Benghazi.

+ + Action Item #2: Alert Your Friends And Family

If this special report touched a nerve with you -- and made you angry at the suggestion that the Benghazi cover-up is something far more nefarious than anyone could have imagined -- please alert your friends and family members.

As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Let the people know the truth, and the country is safe."

Thank you, in advance, for the stand you're taking.

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Demand a complete investigation into the Benghazi terror attacks and the apparent cover-up that has followed. Go here now and add your name to this important petition:

1 comment:

  1. This was my take all along.
    The admin couldn't act or wouldn't because the ambassador and CIA were up to something not fit for public consumption.
    Even further, as much as I hate to be an ass, I don't think much will come from the petition in that the Repugs voted for or acquiesced in Geo. W. Obama's helping overthrow Quaddafi. Why would they balk at overthrowing Assad?
    A pox on both their doghouses.
