Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In Pearcy Massacre Case, Samuel Conway, Convicted of Mass Murder of Five, and Suspected in at Least One Other Murder, Gets New Trial, Due to Honest Juror; Family Member of Victims Complains in Letter That She Had to Learn News Online

The Victims


Edward Gentry Sr.

Edward Gentry Jr.

Pam Gentry

Jeremy Gentry

Kristen Warneke

The Killers

L to r: The late Marvin Lamar Stringer, Samuel L. Conway, and Jeremy Pickney

[Previously, on this case:

“Never Heard of the Pearcy Massacre? One Guess Why Not!”;

“‘Don’t Raise Your Voice at Me!’ [Click!] ‘Read a Law Book!’ [Click!]—A Pearcy Massacre Update”; and

“Samuel Lee Conway Given Seven Life Sentences for Pearcy Massacre.”]

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Because a juror had made up his mind as to Conway’s guilt in the mass murder of four members of the Gentry Family and Kristen Warneke, with one witness to go, and told this to the judge, who let him remain on the jury, an appeals court has struck down Conway’s conviction, and ordered a new trial to take place later this year.

How much you want to bet that the disturbed juror was white?

I report on trials all the time, in which black jurors come in dead-set to either vote to acquit guilty-as-hell black killers, or to sabotage any chance the killers might have of getting the death penalty. Said black jurors lie like a Persian rug during voir dire (i.e., commit perjury and later obstruct justice), when they claim they will keep an open mind until deliberations, and that they are open to vote for the death penalty, if the facts support such a verdict. When you come across a juror who honestly states his doubts, like this one, you can be sure that he’s not black.

It wasn’t always that way. Time was, some black prospective jurors would admit during voir dire that they would not be willing to vote for the death penalty under any circumstances. But blacks wised up, and never admit to that position any more. But their recalcitrance becomes clear during deliberations, when white jurors see that their black colleagues simply refuse to deliberate on the facts. Even when the white jurors complain, judges just ignore them.

Today, blacks have an unwritten and unconstitutional “right” to subvert the trial process.

* * *


Ark. court orders new trial for Samuel Conway, man convicted in quintuple killing

The Associated Press

November 8, 2012, 5:56 p.m.




The Arkansas Supreme Court says a man convicted in the 2009 shooting deaths of five people deserves a new trial.

Conway argued that he deserved a new trial because a judge did not dismiss a juror who said he couldn't be fair to Conway. [That’s a lie, and it comes from THV11 “reporter” Meredith Mitchell. As she recounted elsewhere in her report, with only one witness to go before closings, the juror had said that he’d made up his mind, not that he “couldn't be fair to Conway.”]

Now, the family of these victims and the Garland County prosecutor will have to live through this trial for a second time. Nearly three years to the day when five members of the same family were brutally murdered in Pearcy, Arkansas' high court ordered a new trial in the case. The court sided with murder suspect Samuel Conway, stating the judge abused his discretion when he didn't get rid of the juror in question in June 2011.

The jury was instructed not to make up their minds during the trial on what a verdict should be until they discuss the case in the jury room together. Garland County Prosecuting attorney Steve Oliver says the prosecution had one witness to call on stand when a juror came forward and said, "Basically due to the testimony and pictures I've seen. I haven't been getting any sleep. I basically know that's a bad scene. I've basically made up my mind on this case and I've gotten to the point where I'm sleeping with my shotguns underneath my bed that's loaded because the testimony I've been hearing. It's bad saying, but I've made up mind about the case already this early."

Oliver says this is why the Supreme Court ordered a new trial.

Conway, along with another man, were accused of burning and killing the Gentry family in 2009.

Karen Gentry McNeely, daughter of 80-year-old victim, Edward Gentry Sr., sent THV 11 an e-mail Thursday in reaction to the court's reversal.

In part, it read:"This is one of the largest most horrific murders in Hot Springs, if not the country, to go about virtually unknown and and now to go through another re trail and or go free is unbelievable."

Oliver feels for the victim's [sic] family, saying, "Before they were victimized by Conway and the other people involved, and now they feel like they've been victimized by the legal system, the system they trusted in."

Jeremy Pickney, the other man in this case pleaded guilty in the case in exchange a lesser sentence.

Pickney is serving a 50-year prison sentence with the option of parole. [Between THV11’s Meredith Mitchell and the anonymous AP reporter, I don’t know what’s going on! Mitchell clearly states about Pickney during her report, “He’s serving a 50-year sentence without parole.”] No date has been set for Conway's new trial. Prosecutors say it will be placed on the docket for sometime next year.

* * *

Letter from Karen Gentry McNeely about her family's murders

Rebekah Carter

November 8, 2012


THV11 (Gannett)

A letter to THV 11 from Karen Gentry McNeely, daughter of Edward Gentry Sr., written Nov. 8, 2012. Five members of her family were killed on Nov. 11, 2009.

She learned Thursday that the accused killer will have a new trial.

"My heart is breaking...November 11, 2009 My last words to my dad were 'Happy Veteran's Day, I Love you' Dad said..."I have to go Karen, someone is at the door, I love you too, see you Friday.' They broke in his door and killed my 80 year old father just as I hung up the phone. They went next door and killed my brother and his family and burned their home. If I had only stayed on the phone a moment longer...It was brutal and beyond anything you would believe...worse than any horror movie...How can this happen on the anniversary of their murders.

A gag order was placed on my family's murder, 5 people [killed] on Veteran's day 2009 and the media gag was placed in order to protect who? My family that were shot and burned or the men that killed my family over a set of stupid tire rims?...Robbery gone wrong?...What went wrong was letting these people run free.

During the trial my family had no voice left, my sister and I were concerned this was getting shoved under a rug and asked not to speak to the media... We did [talk] to 2 different news media to let it be known My father Edward Gentry Sr., 80, amputee, World War 2, Korean and Vietnam decorated war veteran, beaten, gagged,fought, got loose and shot in the head. My brother Edward Gentry Jr., 55; Shot in the head burned. My sister in law Pamela Gentry, 52 shot 5 times, did not die immediately, shot in the head burned; and my nephew Jeremy Gentry, 24 Shot in the head burned beside his girlfriend, Kristyn Warneke,19; Shot in head Killed in their homes. Home set on fire.

This was my family, not very different from any other family. My dad loved me so much I feel it when I breath. My brother was always there for me, he was 11 years my senior, my big brother. My Sister in law Pam was with us so long SHE WAS MY SISTER, I never heard her say a curse word or cross word about anyone. Jeremy my nephew always [had] a hug and an 'I love you,' he was the ring bearer in my wedding. Kristyn...where to begin, she was "19" Oh My God "19" a good girl smart with her whole life in front of her...Sane people do not do these things to people. This is not right.

This is how we found out about the appeal, my brother in law happened upon it online. Vicky, 'the victims advocate in the Hot Springs PA Office,' said it was under a different heading and did not have to let the family know when questioned by my husband about why we were not told. Scott, my husband, asked her to keep us up to date.

Please help me not to let this get swept under a rug. My sister Pam and I are trying to keep our lives in order. Another trial with no support and half truths is hard to even think about. This is one of the largest most horrific murders in Hot Springs, if not the country, to go about virtually unknown and now to go through another re trail and or go free is unbelievable.

Thank you for your time just reading this email. Please excuse any typo's it is written with raging emotions.

My warmest Regards, On behalf of my father Edwards E. Gentry Sr.. Edward E. Gentry Jr., Pamela Gentry, Jeremy Gentry, Kristyn Warneke... Scott and Karen Gentry McNeely and Children ( Ed Sr Daughter) Buddy and Pam Taylor and Children (Ed Sr. Daughter) Joey Gentry and Family (Ed Jr's only surviving son) and the Gentry Family

Karen Gentry McNeely

[A big thank you to reader-researcher OnMainStreet.]

* * *

In the video below, catch Conway’s sister, Alethea Wiley, 0:52 in. She’s a real piece of work. Note too that Conway’s lawyer, Pat “Crazy Card” Aydelott, as I call him, gave Conway a proper trial uniform, with a necktie and a pair of fake eyeglasses, to give the mass/serial murderer that educated, scholarly look.  


Sam Conway verdict: Guilty on 5 counts of capital murder

By Lisa Hutson and Lindsey Tugman June 18, 2011


0 comments [How could that be?!]

Related Links

Trial begins for man accused of murdering five people

Day 2 of trial for man accused of murdering five people

Day 3 of Conway murder trial


The fate of a Garland County man, rested with the jury Friday, who came back with a verdict of guilty on all 5 counts of capital murder.

The defense for Sam Conway rested Friday afternoon then the court broke for lunch. After lunch, closing arguments were made and then the case went to the jury for deliberations. The jury will be returning in the morning for an official sentencing. We will bring you the details of the sentence throughout the day Saturday.

In 2009 Conway allegedly [sic; at that point, he'd already been convicted] murdered Jeremy Gentry, his parents, his grandfather and his girlfriend in what prosecutors say was a deadly robbery.

His trial began Monday on 5 counts of capital murder. Capital murder charges carry a mandatory life sentence.

One of the other suspects, Marvin Stringer was shot and killed by police during a standoff, shortly after the murders.

The third suspect, Jeremy Pickney, goes on trial July 14. He also faces 5 counts of capital murder.

* * *

A Conclusion to the Pearcy Massacre

By Lauren Trager

Updated October 7, 2011

KARK 4 News

It was a shocking crime, coined the "Pearcy Massacre." [N.S.: “Coined” by me!] And now it's come to a conclusion.

Five people were murdered in that Garland County town. Thursday, the last suspect in the case was sentenced. "This is a good day, it really is a good day, maybe not the sentence we wanted, but it is still a very good day," said Karen Gentry McNeely.

It was a resolution of sorts for a family changed forever.

In two separate crime scenes, one nearly burned to the ground, police say Edward Gentry Sr, his son Edward Gentry Jr, his wife Pam and their son, Jeremy and his girlfriend Krysten Warneke were all brutally murdered. Police argued the motive was robbery. But the case continued to twist and turn.

One of the prime suspects was killed by police in a shootout just days after the murders, some say, making the rest of the case more difficult to investigate.

In June, a jury found one suspect, Sam Conway, guilty of capital murder and sentenced him to five life sentences.

But though charged with the same crime, the third and final suspect Jeremy Pickney took a plea deal. Prosecutors say their case against him was weak. A judge sentenced Pickney to a maximum 50 years in prison for robbery and theft charges, not murder.

"The whole thing was hard to take in but we can't change it, I can't change what happened that night or the sentence today, all I can know is that he is going to jail, for a while and hopefully he might stay there for a while."

Pickney could be paroled after eight years.

The prosecutor say there may have been other people involved in the crime but there's not enough evidence to go after them.

From his standpoint, he says, it's over.


  1. Well, where do you begin? Should you ask the so-called reporter to name the individual who coined the term Pearcy Massacre?

    I do blame the Idiot Juror and the Idiot Judge. Don't they know the Higher Courts will be bending into a pretzel for the sake of this kind of defendant?

    I just did a Google search and couldn't fine any news about the order for a retrial.

    David In TN

  2. I check on this one by a Google search every so often. Still no news as to a new trial or disposition of the case.

    David In TN

  3. The re trial of Sam Conway starts Monday Oct 20 with pre trial, 21st Jury selection, 22nd-24th Trial. Please help us get this story out so they don't sweep it under a rug and Sam Conway walks free.

