Friday, December 21, 2012

Elie Wiesel: The Nazis were Right! (Newtown Massacre)

By Nicholas Stix

Did you know that in Germany, the Nazis seized private arms from all citizens considered not to be politically “reliable,” and from all Jews? No? Well, that was one of their secrets for success.

Now, pompous ass Eli Wiesel, who has spent his life profiteering over having been a Holocaust survivor, tells us we should give ourselves over to the Nazi solution to violent social conflict.

I realize that I sound hard-hearted. After all, the man survived the Holocaust! He is a man of great humanity. He won the Nobel Peace Prize, for cryin’ out loud! (Along with Martin Luther King Jr., Rigoberta Menchu, Yassir Arafat and the John Doe calling himself Barack Obama.)

The following Wiesel essay runs 399 words, plus teasers and links to other totalitarian Daily News gun confiscation propaganda. (On Tuesday, the paper became the Daily Gun-Grabber.) But just try and read it without losing your dinner. At any length, the man is unertraeglich!

Beliefs and certainties are to be reexamined, habits and values reevaluated. In the face of so much pain and mourning, we must not ignore the question: Where did society go wrong? What made humanity so frail, so blind? Where did education fail? What does such an outburst of anger say about our generation’s hopes and ideals?

In other words: Is there anything we can learn from this event? That all murder is evil but that of children is seven times seven more? That the ease of acquiring a weapon is no longer acceptable. If this tragedy does not produce universal gun control, what can and what will? What else do we need for preventing further horrors such as this?
When has Wiesel ever re-examined his “beliefs and certainties”? I have been hearing and reading this man drone on for over 30 years. He’s always the same. (In case you’re wondering, I went from being a virulent gun-grabber to a supporter of the Constitution. I studied the right to keep and bear arms, the “arguments” for confiscation, studied the philosophical foundations of American freedom, and reflected on the world. I recommend the same to Wiesel.)

There is a complete logical non sequitur between Wiesel’s phony plea to “learn” from Newtown, and his demand for “universal gun control.”

There will never be “universal gun control.” Bad guys will always be able to get guns. However, there has been, is, and will be totalitarian dictatorships and genocide. Elie Wiesel is presently greasing the skids for one here. The man has learned nothing in life.

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If massacre of 20 children in Newtown doesn't bring gun control, what will?
If the death of one child is a tragedy, the murder of 20 is a scandal of outrageous proportions.
Comments (7) [N.S.: That there are so few comments almost 80 hours after publication can only be explained via iron-fisted censorship by the freedom-loving Daily News editors.]

By Elie Wiesel
December 17, 2012, 9:37 p.m.
New York Daily News
US author and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel is up in arms over gun issues (photo caption).

Disbelief, horror, revolt: This is what we all felt when the news arrived. By its magnitude and cruelty, it surpassed everything else. We were not ready for it. Earlier tragedies should have immunized us. But they didn’t. Not to this violence, to this bloodshed.

A young man assassinates his mother with her own weapons. Then, he goes to an elementary school and murders 20 children, one after the other, firing more and more bullets into their small bodies.


The need, the desire to understand is as strong as the pain itself.

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Today, the Daily News is launching a petition to call for the ban of assault weapons. To participate, print and send in the form at the bottom of this page, or SIGN ONLINE HERE.
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Somehow, in spite of the lost lives that we read about in street fights, in poverty-stricken neighborhoods, in faraway war regions such as Syria and Afghanistan, we were unprepared to see this kind of evil in action.

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What does it say about the world, the culture we live in, the ideas we cherish and the education we receive?

In the most passionate address of his life, President Obama spoke for all of us when he said that his heart was broken. So was ours. Other areas of our being were also affected. If the death of one child is a tragedy, the murder of 20 is a scandal of outrageous proportions.

Beliefs and certainties are to be reexamined, habits and values reevaluated. In the face of so much pain and mourning, we must not ignore the question: Where did society go wrong? What made humanity so frail, so blind? Where did education fail? What does such an outburst of anger say about our generation’s hopes and ideals?

In other words: Is there anything we can learn from this event? That all murder is evil but that of children is seven times seven more? That the ease of acquiring a weapon is no longer acceptable. If this tragedy does not produce universal gun control, what can and what will? What else do we need for preventing further horrors such as this?

And what do we know about the perpetrator? We know he didn’t finish college and struggled socially. But what did he do in his spare time? What books did he read? What music did he listen to? What was he dreaming about? What made him laugh or weep?
We must discover, to the extent possible, what his secret ambitions were. We must remember: He was not a stranger from another planet.

He was one of us.

Wiesel is the author of more than 50 books of fiction and non-fiction including “Night,” a Holocaust memoir. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986.

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No Guns for Jews: A Video Countering the Gun-Grabbing, Totalitarian Hysteria of Liberal Jews



  1. Dear N.S.,
    Please inform yourself. The regulatio of firearms in Hitler\s Germany was fare more relaxed than in Bloomberg's N.Y.C. or Emmanuel's Chicago. It was Stalin's allies who confiscated the privately owned firearms in Germany.
    Best wishes

  2. Stories of gun control remind me of my former neighbors in an old working class neighborhood here in town. They were refugees from Cambodia.

    I was cutting the grass one day in the old 'hood. It was hotter than Hades, and so I had stepped inside to take a break and cool off.

    Minutes later I heard a knock on the door. It was the teenaged Cambodian kid from across the street. He wanted to know if he could borrow our lawnmower after I finished with the lawn.

    I was about to say yes, and then I noticed his appearance.

    He was shirtless. His upper chest appeared to be peppered with cigarette burns.

    It was disconcerting to see. So, I tried not to gawk, and said, "Sure, you can borrow the mower."

    I thought about it later. He must have been a victim of torture, perhaps at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. It sure as hell didn't happen in this country as he and his family were not long off the boat. And the burns were uniform in appearance, and peppered only his upper chest.

    Wasn't Pol Pot so "successful" because the populace of Cambodia was unarmed for the most part?

  3. In the most passionate address of his life, President Obama spoke for all of us when he said that his heart was broken. So was ours. Other areas of our being were also affected. If the death of one child is a tragedy, the murder of 20 is a scandal of outrageous proportions.

    Others have said it, but it bears repeating.
    The man's conscience has been broken for a long time.

    Likewise this nation's sense of moral outrage.

    The only scandal of outrageous proportions is that respect is still paid by those who should know far better to the tears of the crocodile in chief. The same is a more rabid pro abortionist than Hillary and the chief enabler of drone bombing of children. End of story.

  4. Remember, the gun-grabbing started under the Weimar Republic, a mode of government set up by Americans!

    Hitler was elected into this Republic and hence a representative of Weimar, regardless of his stance towards it. Indeed, Hitler justified some of his most controversial actions on the precedent America set. No wonder "Americans" hate him.

    By bringing up Hitler in relation to gun control, you just reinforce the notion that Nazis are pure evil and America is saintly. Us versus Them. You demonize without warrant.

    You know America started it's own gun control in 1934? Like Robert in Arabia said, the Stalinista were much worse than Hitler but back then America was good buddies with Soviet Communists. America slept with the devil and became the Whore of Babylon. The Nazis are not the problem. Thier gun laws have zilch to do with America today.

    I hope you don't start Alex Jonesing your take on WWII. Like Hitler started the Reichstag fire, which is a proven lie. A Communist started the fire and firemen opened doors that caused it to flame out of control.

    Or, Hitler killed some Poles and put German uniforms on them to falsely accuse Poland of attacking Germany.

    Nothing could be further from the truth but this really sounds like what a mentally deranged person would say to divert attention away from his own sins. In fact, Poles had been murdering German farmers in the Polish Corridor for a decade before 1939!

    There was no need to fake anything and the commanding officer of Gleiwitz at the time of the accusation was captured after the war but never charged with this supposed crime. Nor were there any reports in the local media of a Polish attack on Germany.

    It is all propaganda. Elie Wiesel is the perfect example of a Fabian Socialist who wants to tear this country apart like a wolf to a lamb. The media is a lapdog of the elite class who love false flags that end in blood. The Whore of Babylon is being taught it's lesson and will pay it's due. Woe to America!

