Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dick Morris: Hurricane Sandy Caused Whites to Stay Home, and Thereby Won the Election for Obama

By Nicholas Stix

“Whites Stayed Home And Re-Elected Obama”

The misleading headline had me thinking, Dick Morris finally got one right!

But no, this is still Dick Morris we’re talking about, the guy who is right less often than a stopped clock.

But he came close.

The biggest red herring is Sandy. I live in the part of the Rockaways that got hit the hardest by Sandy. While I was unable to work, I still voted.

For Morris‘ Sandy thesis to hold water, he would have had to show that the hurricane depressed white turnout in states whose voting results were very close. I have seen no such numbers. New York? New Jersey? Are you kidding me?

Mitt Romney lost for the same reason that John McCain lost. Both men played a “prevent defense,” in which they sought to minimize big blunders, while refusing to try and seize the moment.

As football coaches say, “The only thing a prevent defense does is prevent you from winning.”

When Morris says that Romney failed to show “rebuttal” ads, he’s on more solid ground, but he’s still being much too timid. “Obama” is the worst president in American history, and he has attained that exalted status because while we have had our share of screw-ups, he is the first man to (illegally) occupy the White House who deliberately set out to destroy the country.

Contrary to what Obamabots have claimed, McCain was hostile to most white voters’ concerns, and Romney was only a little better (re the economy). Had either man attacked affirmative action, immigration, and “Obama’s” racism, he would have won.

In addition, “Obama” served Romney a cornucopia of corruption scandals that a candidate who was serious about winning would have feasted on: Fast and Furious, Obamacare, Americorps, the fake “Stimulus Package,” “Quantitative Easing,” “Obama’s” support of the murder cult the Nation of Islam’s New Black Panther Party, the queering of the armed forces, homosexual marriage, etc.

Unfortunately, like all leading Republicans these days, Mitt Romney is a coward who fears being called a “racist” (or “...phobic”), which is why the GOP is dead as a national force.

Dick Morris is as cowardly as the rest of the rest of the GOP consultants and pundits.

* * *
Whites Stayed Home and Re-Elected Obama
By Dick Morris
December 7, 2012

Now that all the data is in, the fundamental reason for Romney’s defeat is apparent, if largely unreported. It is not just that blacks, Latinos, and single women showed up in record numbers at the polls. It’s that whites didn’t.

The final numbers suggest that 91.6 million votes were cast by whites — seven million less than the 98.6 million that were cast in 2008! Meanwhile, 16.6 million blacks voted — 300,000 more than in 2008; 11 million Latinos voted — 1.7 million more votes than were cast by Hispanics in 2008.

We lost because whites stayed home! Particularly among the elderly, the voter turnout was disappointing with seniors casting only 16% of the vote, much less than had been anticipated. (Seniors were the only age group that Obama lost by a significant margin — 15 points).

Why didn’t whites vote and why didn’t we all spot it sooner?

Impact of Sandy.

There was no good national polling after Sandy struck. Gallup, for example, suspended its polling. At the last minute, it put together a national sample — with lots of disclaimers about the dangers of inaccuracies due to the difficulty of sampling storm-hit areas — and it showed a slight Romney lead.

Romney was, in fact, leading before Sandy and that his chances blew away in the storm with its famous bipartisan photo of Governor Chris Christie with Obama. And there was no way to measure the impact of Sandy since there could not logistically be any polling. Why was I wrong? I’m a pollster, not a meteorologist!

But the real question is why the support for Romney among whites was so shallow that the winds of Sandy blew it away. The answer lies in the fundamental strategic mistake the Romney campaign and the super PACs made in June and July — of not answering Obama’s Bain Capital attacks.

These withering attacks undermined Romney’s standing among white voters and led directly to their diminished turnout. The Romney campaign and the Super PACs were so wedded to their attack ads that they failed to realize that Bain posed a mortal threat to the credibility of their candidate. Many other consultants joined me in pleading in vain for a reply to the Bain attacks, but none was forthcoming.

There is a very good story to be told about Bain and it was masterfully captured in an ad produced by Romney media guru Stuart Stevens but was aired for only limited times and there was no follow up. Had that very ad been run more, Romney would, in my opinion, have been elected president!

The Republican consultants are so enamored of negative ads that they do not appreciate the impact of rebuttal media and its capacity to wipe away negatives and trigger a backlash against the candidate who airs them. But the doctrine of always attack — reminiscent of the French and British generals in World War I — does not permit rebuttals, only new negatives.

And we paid the price.


  1. "Unfortunately, like all leading Republicans these days, Mitt Romney is a coward who fears being called a “racist” (or “...phobic”), which is why the GOP is dead as a national force."


    Except "coward" should be in all caps. Not just for the Romney, but for the all Republican politicians.

  2. Anyone notice that Dick Morris talks out of the side of his mouth?
