Friday, October 12, 2012

The Racist Murder of Tim McNerney: In Washington, PA, White Students at Washington & Jefferson University Live Like Prisoners and Have Grief Counselors and Candlelight Vigils, While Black Lynch Mobs Rule


White war crime victim Tim McNerney

The family of Tim McNerney at his October 9 funeral, with his mother in the middle

By Nicholas Stix

These “grief counselors” and candlelight vigils are pacification strategies, right?

The official story will ultimately be “a robbery gone wrong,” rather than the true story: A racist murder gone right.

This didn’t even happen in an urban area, but in sleepy Washington, Pennsylvania, with only 13,691 residents, 30 miles south of Pittsburgh.

Washington & Jefferson College is dedicated to filling its students’ heads with global warming/climate change quackery, feminism, and anti-American propaganda about students’ civic responsibilities in a global community” (also here). The school’s perfectly multicultural main page promotes the Gay-Straight Alliance and Latino Culture Association.

If anything is heartening about Washington & Jefferson College is that it has few black students, and no major in “African-American Studies”… yet. (Affirmative action is a zero-sum game, and the aggressive recruiting of unqualified black student applicants by bigger, better-funded schools leaves little for W&J.)

Tim McNerney was a senior and the W&J football team’s star tailback and team captain. In its first game after his murder, the team honored McNerney by taking its first snap on offense with only 10 men on the field, and an empty backfield. Star safety, senior Zach DeCicco, who was with his friend when the latter was lynched, and who just barely escaped with his own life (and with a broken nose), had a big game. Unfortunately, passion, pride, and pathos were no substitutes for their lost offensive star’s skills, and W&J was trounced on the road 56-18, by Thomas More College.

Washington is a hamlet of a mere 13,691 souls, 15.9 percent (app. 2,180) of whom are black. That means that it has barely 150 black men the killers’ age. At least half the town’s blacks must know who the killers are.

Meanwhile, the city is 77.0 percent (app. 10,500) non-Hispanic white. And yet, the whites are cowering in fear, or at least that’s what the media would have us believe.

Speaking if which, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette “reporter” Amy McConnell Schaarsmith has her priorities in order: Rather than talk about black racist violence even in little Washington, she ignores that, and instead make the murder victim, a notorious bad man who had been convicted of disorderly conduct, speeding and not wearing a seatbelt, like a bad guy. And his surviving buddy, Zachary DeCicco, was once convicted of public drunkenness!

What’s next? Will Schaarsmith insinuate that an inebriated Tim McNerney said something to somehow “justify” racist blacks murdering him? Or did she already do that in the story below? Or is she insinuating that the drunken DeCicco was the real killer?! Or does she want us to disbelieve DeCicco’s description of the killers, based on his history of drunkenness, and fill in the gaps with a Law & Order-type scenario, in which the killers were all white?

* * *
Police try to fill in gaps before fatal Washington & Jefferson College beating
By Amy McConnell Schaarsmith
October 6, 2012
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

When Washington & Jefferson College seniors Tim McNerney and Zachary DeCicco left the Main Street Brew House at closing time, they'd had a low-key night sipping Blue Moon beer and chatting quietly with one of the bartenders, an alumna.

Just after 2 a.m. Thursday, the bartenders scooted them out the door with their usual wish of "be careful going home," and then manager Vicki Simoens looked out at the sidewalk and street before locking up.

Not a soul was out there but Mr. McNerney and Mr. DeCicco, walking back to campus, she said Friday. And although the bar had been packed -- Wednesday is the night many W&J students go out -- it had been a peaceful evening.

"There was nothing that started here," said Ms. Simoens, 55, who said she cards every one, every time and often sees her college customers bringing in their parents after football games.

"There were no words here, there were no unusual groups of people, there was no argument -- it was a good night at the Brew House on Wednesday night," she said.
Anyone who witnessed the crime or who has more information about the case can call 724-223-1386

That peace shattered as the men walked back to campus, however.

Just minutes after Mr. McNerney, 21, and Mr. DeCicco, 22, left the Brew House, Mr. DeCicco said a group of about six men attacked and robbed them on a sidewalk behind Lombardi's Auto Service just across the street from campus. Mr. DeCicco told police he grabbed his phone, broke free and ran back to his dormitory.

But Mr. McNerney wasn't with him. Mr. DeCicco called campus security officers, who contacted city police at 2:54 a.m. Investigators combed the area around the auto shop but couldn't find Mr. McNerney, according to Washington police.

By the time friends found him lying unconscious in the auto shop's parking lot just before 4 a.m., it was too late. Medics performed CPR and rushed Mr. McNerney to the Washington Hospital emergency room, but he was pronounced dead at 4:42 a.m. The Washington County coroner later ruled his death a homicide from blunt force trauma to the head.

And for now, Mr. DeCicco -- the only witness to the assault, robbery and homicide -- hasn't been able to offer the police much information about his attackers.

"We don't have a very detailed description other than that there were several males, and that the majority of them if not all of them are black males," according to Detective Dan Staneck of the Washington police. Mr. DeCicco told police the men were all about 20 or 21 years old, and that they wore dark clothing.

Anyone who witnessed the crime or who has more information about the case can call 724-223-1386.

Mr. McNerney and Mr. DeCicco had visited another bar, VIP Dance Club, before arriving at the Brew House Wednesday night, according to Detective Staneck. The club is known among local residents for drawing a rougher crowd than some other off-campus bars; patrons must be "wanded" by a security guard's handheld metal detector before entering.

But police do not have any evidence of an altercation earlier in the evening between Mr. McNerney and Mr. DeCicco and the men who later attacked them, he said.

"There's no reason to believe they had any issues with anybody prior and that this was a continuation," he said.

In May, Mr. DeCicco, of Jefferson Hills, pleaded guilty to public drunkenness after he was charged in December 2011 by South Strabane police.

Mr. McNerney pleaded guilty in July 2010 and again in February to disorderly conduct in Shaler and Pittsburgh, respectively; he was sentenced to 30 hours of community service after the second conviction. In January, he also pleaded guilty to charges of speeding and failing to use a seat belt after state police pulled him over in Harmar.

On Friday, the campus community and the greater Washington community alike struggled to cope with a killing many described as shocking and sad, and made all the more troubling by its proximity to campus -- just across the street from the psychology department in Dieter-Porter Hall and a few blocks from many other main campus buildings.

College administrators made grief counseling available through the student health and counseling center. They also sent an email safety reminder to students: Travel in groups at night, make sure to go home with all the people they came with, and feel free to ask for a campus escort to get home or to campus from anywhere in downtown Washington.

"We really want to encourage students to take advantage of that if they're feeling insecure about something, or uncomfortable in their surroundings," said college spokeswoman Karen Oosterhous.

The college also reserved two buses for up to 100 students to travel to Washington & Jefferson's football game against Thomas More College in northern Kentucky on Saturday afternoon, along with free admission. The football team left campus Friday morning after a send-off in memory of Mr. McNerney, a business major from Butler who wore No. 5 as a running back for the team.

And even students who didn't know Mr. McNerney well said they felt the loss and something else, too: a new concern for their personal safety.

Lauren Horning, a sophomore double major in Spanish and environmental studies, is an avid runner whose regular route takes her through the historic part of campus. She thought of going for a run before Thursday evening's candlelight vigil for Mr. McNerney but then thought better of it, she said. "It was getting dark and I thought, 'I don't really want to do that,' " she said as she sat on the lawn in front of Old Main hall. "It's a conscious thought now."

Amy McConnell Schaarsmith: 412-263-1719 or Jonathan D. Silver contributed.

[I raise a candle at my namby-pamby vigil to Violence Against Whites.]
* * *
“The family of Tim McNerney consoles each other after the funeral for the murdered Washington and Jefferson football player at Holy Selpucher Church in Middlesex on Tuesday. Eric Felack | Valley News Dispatch”

Police examine video of McNerney beating
By Margaret Harding
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Surveillance video of the beating death of a Washington & Jefferson College football player shows several people in the area when the crime occurred, Washington police Chief Robert Lemons said Tuesday.

“We can’t judge anything off it,” he said. Lemons declined to elaborate.

Running back Timothy McNerney, 21, a Knoch High School graduate and resident of Penn Township, Butler County, was beaten to death in an apparent robbery while walking home from a bar about 2:30 a.m. Thursday with fellow football player Zach DeCicco, 22, of Jefferson Hills. McNerney was found about 90 minutes after being attacked. He was pronounced dead at The Washington Hospital.

DeCicco, who suffered a broken nose and bruises, told police that he fought with three men who tried to steal his cell phone, police said.

The senior defensive back said he managed to break free and run back to his dormitory, where he told friends what happened. He then called campus police, who called city police at 2:54 a.m.

Margaret Harding is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. She can be reached at 412-380-8519 or


  1. So DeCicco ran away and left his teammate and friend to be beaten to death. Nice loyalty there, dude.

  2. how dare you abuse my sons memerory you racist psycho

  3. I increasingly get jerky comments on murder stories from people claiming to be friends or family members of the victims, and some of the jerks really are family members.

    Which sort of jerk this anonymous poster turns out to be remains to be seen, but I just re-read my item and can't see what his beef is. I do know, however, that there are a lot of people in the ether who think that bloggers are some sort of virtual pinata they get to whack, whenever they feel like it. They don't dare conduct themselves in sucn a fashion with the MSM, however. They are very mindful of corporate power.

  4. The reason people use you as a pinata is because you feel you can say whatever you want and then not expect someone to disagree with you. My cousin was friends with everyone in his community and people of all colors and creeds. Do not make him out to be some white power neo-nazi just because you are. Not every crime committed aagainst a person of one race from people of another race means the act had any stain of racism on it. He was beaten to death, that was the crime, not the fact that the attackers may have been black.

  5. The reality is that crimes like this always involve black perps. No one can deny it. You can only question why.

  6. This is all quite strange... There has to be more to this story. Mr. DeCicco's time line is a little bit long for my comfort. Has there been any sign that they are looking at him?

  7. They caught the monkeys! Lets start fighting back!

  8. Not Washington and Lee.
    It is Washington and Jefferson

  9. Dear Anonymous Coward (Oct 14, 2012, 11:43 A.M.),

    “The reason people use you as a pinata is because you feel you can say whatever you want and then not expect someone to disagree with you.”

    Project much, asshole?

    You may or may not be related to Tim McNerney, but you deserve no respect, and you get none. You are just a white Uncle Tom. If you had been there, you would have done nothing to help Tim McNerney, or any other white enduring a racist, black-on-white hate crime.

    It’s bad enough that Tim McNerney is dead, without you lying about his murder. Why is it that the wrong people get attacked by these savages?

    Fuck you very much for writing.

  10. I actually go to washington and jefferson college. so I guess I am part of that what did you call it "underqualified" black population. Its posts like these that make me sick to my stomach to have left my upper middle class home to live in this backwards racist area. Thank God I didnt grow up here. You are sick.

  11. Anonymous said...

    I actually go to washington and jefferson college. so I guess I am part of that what did you call it "underqualified" black population. Its posts like these that make me sick to my stomach to have left my upper middle class home to live in this backwards racist area. Thank God I didnt grow up here. You are sick.

    Monday, February 8, 2016 at 10:16:00 A.M. EST

    Anonymous, Racist Coward,

    Why did you quote me as saying something I didn’t say? I have often spoken of black affirmative action college admits as being unqualified and unfit, but never as “underqualified.”

    Honesty is clearly not your strong suit. Nor are capitalization, punctuation, or decency.

    There is, however, a certain poetic justice to your mini-rant. Given that some of the white folks in the college’s area kill themselves sucking up to black racists like you, they deserve what they get.

    Nicholas Stix


    Read here of the arrest, trial, conviction and sentencing of the perpetrators. I bet they are all out of prison by now.
