Friday, September 14, 2012

Why are the Two Parties Still Celebrating Immigration?

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Howard Foster is a heroic private attorney who for several years now has been using RICO lawsuits to fight businesses who have profited off of immigration crimes.

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Why are the Two Parties Still Celebrating Immigration?
By Howard Foster
Foster, P.C.

One thing that the two political parties chose to showcase at the national conventions is the so-called American immigration success story. The Republican “keynote” speaker was Sen. Marco Rubio, who defines himself as the son of immigrants. To him the U.S. is a great country because he has thrived here. The implication is that immigration is good, and we need more of it. I found it interesting that he did not expressly say this. He is no doubt aware that immigration is a controversial political topic and that there is merit to the restrictionist point of view. Nevertheless, the Republican Party decided Rubio’s pro-immigrant story had more political upside than downside.

Julian Castro, the mayor of San Antonio, told the same story as the Democratic Convention “keynoter.” Though as I note below, his mother is quite different from Rubio’s parents in outlook.

I am thoroughly disgusted with these political speeches. (Disclosure: I am the product of the great wave of 1880-1920 immigration.) What do these stories prove? That Americans should welcome more immigrants regardless of the high unemployment rate?

[Read the whole thing.

Righteous, RICO fist bump to James Fulford.]

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