Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Terrorist in the White House: “Obama,” Health Care, and 911

By Nicholas Stix

In his September 9 speech on health care “reform,” the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” asserted that his public health care plan wouldn’t cost the taxpayer a dime (i.e., wouldn’t cause the deficit to rise at all), yet he used as his models Medicare and public colleges.

But according to its own trustees, Medicare will go bankrupt in 2017, and the True Cost Blog calculates that 2015—with the estimated bankruptcy date moved up on a yearly basis—is presently a more realistic estimated date of bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, public colleges cost the taxpayers over $70 billion per year (state; federal aid numbers and enrollee numbers) in tuition aid, i.e., not counting capital and program funding, over and above what they bring in in tuition charges and fees.

Returning to Medicare, as the True Cost blog recently observed, “Medicare has limited funds, but nearly unlimited liabilities.” The blogger observes that the only way to forestall Medicare’s bankruptcy would be to severely ration care. But the denial that Obamacare would necessitate the rationing of health care is one of “Obama’s” favorite current health care policy lies.

True Cost predicts that by 2017, Medicare’s budget will look like California’s budget today, as hemorrhaging red ink necessitates draconian service cuts.

The only alternative is rationing, but “Obama” has denied that Obamacare would entail rationing. The only economic tradeoff he foresees is having to cut other parts of his budget, in case Obamacare loses money. But “Obama” has no practical conception of budget cutting. He has a conception of confiscating and spending productive people’s wealth through redistributing it to unproductive people, based in both cases on skin color. The only way he could cut expenses, would be by cutting services. But he will not cut services to blacks or Hispanics, especially not to black or Hispanic illegal aliens. Those are the people whom he considers his constituents.

Keep in mind that “Obama” has been presenting Medicare as the ideal towards which Obamacare strives.

“Obama” claims that Obamacare would be supported entirely based on recipients’ payments, but he plans on flooding the program with poor people, including as many as 28 million illegal alien invaders (including their American-born children, who are typically falsely referred to as “American citizens”) just for starters, who have never paid a doctor, and who have no intention of starting now.

“Obama” insisted that the program could be financed through savings from “eliminating waste and corruption,” but The Man from ACORN never met waste and corruption he didn’t like, as long as it benefited him and his “friends” (see “constituents”), and hurt his “enemies.” He has no track record of eliminating a nickel of “waste and corruption,” and indeed, during the greatest economic depression in this nation’s history, has elevated it from a practice costing the predominantly white tax base billions to one costing it trillions. He has gone so far as to earmark over one billion taxpayer dollars to the criminal organization calling itself “ACORN.”

“Obama” insisted that it was a “tall tale” that Obamacare would serve illegal aliens, but Democrats have twice shot down language proposed by Republican lawmakers that would require that every potential adult recipient prove that he was in the country legally, and that every legal immigrant prove that he had been in the country a certain minimum amount of time, which until now was standard practice for all means-tested federal programs, and while his belated agreement to deny treatment to illegals is an implicit admission that he was previously lying, the loopholes left in his proposal that will still permit illegals to get treatment show that he has never stopped lying, and never yielded an inch. “Compromise” with this man simply means that he wins through cheating and lying. “Obama” does not compromise.

The only sophistry that “Obama” could use to sidestep the collar of being a bald-faced liar would be to invoke his plan to amnesty all criminal foreign invaders—Obamacare would not benefit “illegals,” because they would cease to exist as such. But in the face of overwhelming public opposition (70 percent) to an amnesty, and even stiffer opposition (over 80 percent) to paying for the health care for illegal invaders, that’s the last thing he wants to acknowledge. His Obamacare sales strategy requires that he mislead the white taxpayer-citizen public on his plan to soak it, to pay for health care for illegal aliens, at the same time that he cuts elderly whites—you know, the group that paid at least 90 percent of the Medicare funds from their age cohort—from services.

All of “Obama’s” strenuous lying is necessitated by his racial socialist plan to make white citizen-taxpayers pay for his program, while slowly cutting them off from health care.

At present, as “Obama” connives to bring about a full-bore amnesty, he is implementing a stealth amnesty, by sabotaging immigration enforcement.
“Obama’s” robotic devotees will say that I’m insane. Why would he do such a thing, they will demand?

It’s the racism, stupid! The man worshiped a genocidal black supremacy whose entire “theology” is based on the idea that God is black, and will kill off the white race, “Every week. 11 oclock service,” in the same “church” for 20 years.

During those 20 years, “Obama’s” pastor was black supremacist Jeremiah Wright. When highlights were posted in spring 2008 from a sermon in which Wright ranted, among other charming outbursts, “Goddamn America,” when “Obama” wasn't lying and saying that he hadn't heart Wright speak in such a fashion, he was insisting that the outbursts were mere “snippets” taken out of context, as if there were some context in which Wright’s racist, traitorous rantings would be justified.

The context for Wright’s genocidal racism and traitorous anti-Americanism is that he is a devotee of James H. Cone, the genocidal racist, anti-American founder of Black Liberation Theology.

Cone teaches, for instance,
Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of a black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community.

Cone also demanded that whites submit to black domination, or be ready to fight a bloody civil war.

“Obama’s” ghostwritten autobiography is entitled, Dreams from My Father. “Obama’s” father deserted him and his mother when the son was only two years old, but the son’s racist white mother passed them down to him. The father recorded his dreams, which fit perfectly into the son’s world view of genocidal black supremacy, in his article, “Problems Facing Our Socialism.” In it, the father called on the black-run Kenyan government to seize all assets belonging to whites and Asians (Indians), and give them to blacks. He also suggested the desirability of a tax rate of 100 percent. The father acknowledged that his plan would not stimulate the Kenyan economy, but he didn’t care about that. Fortunately for the Kenyans, the government ignored the father. Unfortunately for us, the son has seized control of the American government.

Last week 911 rolled around, the day when we annually commemorate the worst terrorist attack on America in her history. And how did we commemorate it this year? With the Oval Office under occupation by a man whose true name and citizenship we don’t even know, who took a minute off to visit Ground Zero and give “volunteerism and remembrance” a bad name, before returning to his great work, of waging racial and economic terrorism on the historic American people.


  1. Hello, thank you for your article, I found it very interesting. I agree that the new medical reform is not probably the best solution of the situation. There are at least 15% of Americans who aren't covered by the health insurance these days. However, if Obama's proposal is accepted, there may be no Medicare and/or Medicaid one day.

    All the best,

  2. Even if "Obama's" proposal is accepted, there may be no Medicare and/or Medicaid one day. But then, health care reform is the last thing on his mind, just as stimulting the economy is the last thing on his mind. Or saving the environment, etc. Every one of his reforms is geared to the same ends: 1. Nationalize an industry, and wipe out free enterprise; 2. Consolidate his own power, towards making him dictator; and 3. Dispossessing, disenfranchising, and ultimately destroying whites.

  3. Stop Black Obama now. People are going to be forced to pay for Health Insurance they don't need. Most people can't afford health care. Now you are going to be forced to pay for health insurance you can't afford. If you don't get a plan your going to be fined. Your going to hate him if this passes. Doctors are going to love him.

    Stop Obama. He's just evil.

    I think the First Lady is ugly too.
