Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Two comments from zh that are relevant:

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, september 25, 2024 at 11:25:00 p.m. edt

Two comments from zh that are relevant:
9 minutes ago

This all started when Adams started speaking out about the illegal aliens in ny. You also have total silence on the +100,000 Americans dying every year from deadly drugs flowing in from the south. I use to think this administration was controlled by the ccp, but no...they are totally controlled by the cartels.

7 minutes ago

dems will make an example out of him

GRA: Yes, adams looks like he's becoming a human toilet bowl for the biden administration to sh*t on. I'd like to see them both get flushed.



  1. The protocol is to let the second tier of Dems vent just enough for their own political well-being, wink and nod, and full speed ahead with the Cloward-Haitian strategy because that's how Big Mike's husband planned it.

    Sure, Eric "The Defendant" Adams complained about the invaders, but so did Gov. Gomorrah Healey - LGBTQ, Mass. She limited shelter stays (or so it is claimed), she complained directly to Stinko de Mayorkas, plane tickets to get them out of her socialist paradise. And by doing it she made life easier for Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey; they could keep up with the welcome-to-America tolerance shtick.

    There's got to be more to the Adams story going on behind the scenes.

    If it was mere corruption, worse that happens is that James Comer has hearings, with the side benefit of getting Hunter and Mayorkas and Fauci off the front page or Page B-13 if that's where the Times puts it. Or James O'Keefe springs a video or Judicial Watch wins at FOIA Bingo, the media will run interference for them.

    I think something else is up. They're torpedoing someone whose profile and age should be setting him up for bigger things in Queen Kamala's court: the House at a minimum, maybe the heir to Schumer's seat, or leverage his cop background to say "he's our man to fix the Secret Service" or maybe eve the entire Homeland portfolio. It seems like he's guilty of less than what Menendez did - - that was another case of "huh? why him? why now?"

  2. And minutes later, along comes
    Jonathan Turley filling in the blanks for me.

    But Turley concludes: "If Eric Adams is convicted, it will be at the hands of his associates. The jury will not be particularly sympathetic with a politician snaring the Bentley Suite at the St. Regis Istanbul.... it may be enough for the ultimate upgrade for Adams from business class to a federal cellblock. "
