Wednesday, September 25, 2024

One more version of the big story of the night in nyc

By Grand Rapid Anonymous
wednesday, september 25, 2024 at 11:06:00 p.m.

One more version of the big story of the night in nyc

"(ny times) Eric L. Adams, a retired police captain who was elected as new york city’s 110th mayor nearly three years ago on a promise to rein in crime, has been indicted following a federal corruption investigation, people with knowledge of the matter said.

"the indictment remained sealed on wednesday night, and it was unclear what charge or charges mr. Adams will face. but the federal investigation has focused at least in part on whether mr. Adams and his campaign conspired with the turkish government [and six other foreign governments] to receive illegal foreign donations.

"when the indictment is made public, mr. Adams will become the first new york city mayor to face a federal charge while in office.

"the indictment promised to reverberate across the nation’s largest city and beyond, plunging mr. Adams’s embattled administration further into chaos just months before he is set to face challengers in a hotly contested mayoral primary."



  1. Adams Fambilee Theme Part 14

    He hoped for Turkish lira,
    An election year idea,
    In prison we will see ya,
    The Adams' fambilee.

    But what can you expect from,
    A bowtied,piece of rat scum,
    On top of that,he's quite dumb,
    The Adams' Fambilee.

    (fingers snap,harpsichord plays)
    The dough,
    Sh*t show,
    (harpsichord plays)
    Look out below!

    Now will he cop a plea deal?
    Is any of this for real?
    Let's wait until they unseal,
    The Adams' ignominy.


  2. "History made today..."

    Odds are 1 out of a 1000 David Muir starts off tomorrow's noisecast with that preface.



    (NY post)If Adams were to leave office early following his federal indictment, he would be replaced by lefty Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.

    Williams, a progressive Democrat who has been the public advocate since 2019, would take over as acting mayor and be in charge of setting the date for a special election.


  4. Federal prosecutors vs. eric adams... hmmmm... would it be wrong for me to hope that adams steadfastly refuses to play the plea bargain game and there's at least one O.J. juror and that it turns into a great big racial grievance circus. And years and years of snarky NY Post page 1 headlines to look forward to.

  5. And this morning--at Adams' presser--have you ever seen that many joggers on your TV screen,since the floyd riots break-ins at your local Walmarts back in 2020? There had to be 50 onstage with him.

    Next,I'm watching abc and they ask WHO?A black "legal expert",brock buckmire for his "black law" Where is MY country?

    Anyways,5 counts against Adams:conspiracy,wire fraud,bribery and 2 counts of solicitation of a foreign nation.

    "I is innocent and will not resign"--taken out of the Marion Berry playbook.

    A DOJ presser will be upcoming later in the day.


  6. The DOJ presser is underway. Who is listing the charges against Adams? A jogger,of course--a Damian Williams.

    "Adams' corruption went back to 2016.Many payoffs,some in airplane tickets,worth tens of thousands of dollars--none of it publicly disclosed."

    "A multi-year scheme to bribe an 'up and coming' politician."

    Pretty in-depth descriptions of the charges.

