Sunday, July 21, 2024

There goes the neighborhood

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, july 21, 2024 at 11:29:00 p.m. edt

I just had 10 nig*ers move near my house—not next door—on saturday. I watched them move the crappiest furniture I’ve ever seen, into their place. Rent here is around $2,000 a month. There were two black males, two black females, and around six kids, all dressed in clothes worse than the Beverly Hillbillies. Even with section 8, I don’t see how they can afford it. The possibilities are endless as to how they could destroy this area—parties, crime, break-ins, rape and murder. I could ring the landlord’s neck. Never thought I’d see this bad a bunch around my area again.


They can’t afford it—legally. They’re criminals, and pay the reduced rent, if they pay it, through the proceeds of their crimes.

I’m very sorry to hear about this, GRA.


  1. Thanks,this could go 100 ways bad and only one way good.I'm hoping the eviction process starts fairly soon,like on the first of August.


  2. 4 adults all filing taxes as Head of Household or Single, each with 1-2 dependents, easily over $15,000 of refundable Earned Income Credit, plus 6 x $2,000 = $12,000 child tax credit, so let's figure they took in $30,000 of IRS refunds way back in Feb/Mar. But probably all spent now on drugs, booze, Carnival Cruise (that rhymed!). EBT is pretty generous, isn't? A single guy in his 40s around here told me he gets $400 a month, is that for real? Scaled up to ten people, yikes. Plus free "school" meals in the summer (I couldn't believe it when I first saw the yellow school bus parking nearby every morning, after the school year ended) with free meals aboard.) Food banks to be raided (and used by reporters as stories about how cruel hunger is gripping America and we need to increase benefits) means more leftover EBT that can be resold. Under-the-table work is nontaxed; it doesn't count for the IRS refund but they get whatever phony W-2 or make up a phony business ("Oh, I cut hair.") as a way to hit the sweet spot. Free health care of course. Play it right and you can get yourself a slip 'n' fall settlement and maybe even score yourself a lifetime SSI check. One or more of the children can get a disability, even a mental disability / severe ADHD and get themselves on the rolls for "crazy checks". They are absolutely Un-evict-able. I guess the landlord will settle for whatever direct-pay subsidy he gets. His depreciation deduction will offset it, so he has a tax-free cash flow for now. Besides, what self-supporting citizen would have rented there anyhow? And stayed employed and paying rent through the President Heels-up/Big Mike/Shrillary presidency and economic depression?

    And life is just Grand in Grand Rapids or Anytown USA. At least until migrants start muscling in on the action, like the pouty-faced protestors in Chicago. Imagine the awful riots when this whole system collapses.

  3. Thank you,hopefully they are not around long. In the past,six months to a year does it.


  4. Through my persistence,I had 2 black fambilees evicted and one mex fambilee evicted between 2012 and 2016 by noticing 1) they never took their trash out 2)They had a sex offender illegally in their residence,when their lease said only 4 people could be the house 3)video of blacks fighting in my front yard,I showed to the landlord.By the way,the landlord told me he had to spend $10,000 to fix up and repair the damage after blacks were evicted from his rental property.

    Since then,it's been good--until now.We'll see what happens,but I see no way this bunch can assimilate into a good,White area.Impossible.

