Sunday, July 21, 2024

2015-2020 Who shoots first? police shootings in USA

By "W"
thursday, july 18, 2024 at 05:12:00 a.m. edt

2015-2020 Who shoots first? Police shootings in USA


  1. If blacks have guns,THEY do.If they don't--cops do.


  2. jerry pdx
    Anybody watch 60 Minutes of Bulls*%#t tonight? It was a repeat episode that I hadn't seen but was at my folks house who watch it religiously. The episode is titled "Healing Justice" and is about (negro) men convicted of rape who were exonerated by DNA evidence.

    I told my parents, and my sister who was there also, that the feature would focus on black men, and they made their usual tittering doubtful comments but when it started, sure enough, the focus was strictly on black men who were "exonerated". There was one brief flash on a White guy but they didn't talk about his case at all, I think it was for plausible deniability if anybody questioned who no White guys were featured. The victims were a mixture of White and black women but they were all writhing in guilt about those poor black boys that got "falsely convicted".

    Basically, it's To Kill A Mockingbird 2024. Nothing the media loves more than black men "exonerated" as rapists, especially when their victims are White.

    My sister told me the reason why more black men were featured was because more black men get falsely convicted then exonerated. I told her that more black men are convicted then exonerated because black men are far more likely to commit rape. She didn't respond.

    I'm not saying there aren't cases of false conviction, both black and White, but this kind of media propaganda isn't about false convictions, it's about creating sympathy for black men and making Whites feel guilty. Whether or not these men are actually guilty or innocent is secondary.

    That's the reason I'll never trust that these exonerated black men are actually innocent.

    I have to wonder how many White men who may have been falsely convicted have been left twisting in the wind because they don't fit the PC narrative of a "falsely accused rapist". This kind of media propaganda pushes the belief that it must be a black man, not a White one.

  3. So they get the wrong nig*er--big deal.In an area where blacks are plentiful,like cockroaches,you may not arrest the exact guilty party(one time out of 10,000)but the "innocent" nig,who was sent to the penitentiary,most likely abused/raped others,robbed,murdered, etc--and got away with it.Therefore,his arrest and prison time are justified,even if not for that particular crime.

    The problem is not wrongful conviction of blacks,it's the lack of success in arresting them and if they ARE arrested,getting them off the streets for the proper amount of time.

